Concert Go-ers! I need advice!

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New Metal Member
Aug 6, 2014
Ok well first off thanks for reading! But basically next month I'm attending my first concert, Mayhem & Watain with revenge, and I wanted some advice on what to wear, how to act, and some do-nots, thanks!
Wear all black and stand in the back scowling and motionless with your arms crossed. If you do anything else you're a poser faggot who actually likes things and thus the antithesis of black metal.
Man, if only online forums had been around when I went to my first gig. I definitely wouldn't have worn that pink onesie and spent the whole night walking around slapping people.
Serious answer:

Wear whatever you want. Most people will be wearing black band shirts and jeans. You'll also see some battle jackets. No one will give you shit for turning up in work clothes or whatever, but if you're nervous about fitting in you can't go wrong with jeans and a band shirt or other dark t-shirt.

I'm assuming you're not going to be stage-diving or crowd-surfing. If you see a space open up in the crowd, it's about to become a mosh pit, although I don't know how much moshing there'll be at a black metal show. Avoid going into a mosh pit until you've taken some time to observe what other people are doing.

If you want to be on the barrier, go there as soon as the doors open and stay there. Don't be that dick who tries to fight his way there in the middle of the set. I recommend not being on the barrier your first time, but it's your call.

If you want good sound, look for the sound guy. He'll probably be about 50-100 feet back from the center of the stage in front of a big console. Standing in front of that you'll get the best sound in the room.

If you want to sit at any point you'll need to grab a spot immediately and keep it.

If you drink, don't get sloppy drunk and don't spill on anyone. Feel free to go nuts during your favorite parts, but try to be aware of others - if you're not up front, it's rude to be smacking someone with your hair every time you headbang. If someone bumps into you, don't be a tough guy. If you're anywhere near the pit, you might get slammed into/kicked/punched/etc. Push them back into the pit but don't take a swing or anything, remember it's all in good fun.

If anyone at any point asks you to "make some noise," feel completely free not to. Personal, my throat tends to get sore during concerts from all the shouting and by the end I do not want to "make some noise."

My own personal do: show up for the openers. After their sets they'll probably be hanging out around the merch booth. If you like them, buy their shit and tell them you dug it. Those guys work hard and a lot of people don't even bother showing up to hear them. They can use the props a lot more than some international metal legends.
Mosh pits are terrible and should be avoided. +1 on seeing openers, that way you can get a good spot also.
I enjoy moshing when drunk. I get the appeal. But whether or not you participate it's important to be aware of mosh etiquette.
Chug 12 beers before the show and show up wasted as shit. Take off your shirt, showing off both of your badass tribal tattoos and stand in front of the pit, taking down any long-haired poseur faggots that attempt to mosh all the while expressing your contempt for the human race with your facial expressions.
Try standing at a few different locations to see what you enjoy more. Up closer to get a better view of the band, or near the sound guy like waif suggested.

Be considerate of people behind you. Watch out for people moshing towards you at high speed. If you get hit on the nose and blood starts spraying out like a sprinkler, just grab the nearest empty beer glass to catch it and keep enjoying the band. That's what I should've done. Instead I ended up drunkenly flicking blood all over the restroom floor.

Get used to waiting ages for bands to start or hardly being able to see the band at all. Occasionally it just happens that way.

Don't spend the whole time diddling with your smart phone, but that should be obvious.
UA, are you wearing a t-shirt and jeans? What are you, 14?
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