Concert Go-ers! I need advice!

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I either wear the band's shirt or if I don't own it, I'll wear my Vektor or Exmortus shirt and possibly buy one of theirs at the show. And jeans. It doesn't matter what you wear really. Moshpits can be fun if people are trying to have fun. Violent moshpits should be avoided. You can tell the difference. Smaller shows are better for moshing I find. Big shows like Metallica or such bring out a bunch of assholes.
Smaller shows are better for moshing I find. Big shows like Metallica or such bring out a bunch of assholes.

I find the opposite to be true: small shows mean smaller moshpits and the greater the chance of pissing somebody off because they're more likely to get caught up in the moshpit even if they don't want to be because of the limited space available, but at big shows with more space the only people who are in the moshpit are the ones who really want to be, and you're unlikely to mosh against the same person more than once and potentially piss them off somehow.
No. We must band together and report his posts. Then he might get banned.

Unfortunately, most of his offenses are the equivalent of stealing pocket change, whereas he could only get banned for pulling the Big Dirty.

I support everyone putting him on Ignore. Constantly calling attention to him (excuse the irony of what I'm doing) only validates his behavior even more and doesn't get him any closer to getting banned.
I suppose putting him on ignore would be a compromise, it'd be like him being banned. If only it didn't give me the option to unhide individual posts though.
Guys - you have to remember, for the most part, being annoying is not quite bannable in and of itself.

There is a line, but for now, if it bugs you that much:
Guys - you have to remember, for the most part, being annoying is not quite bannable in and of itself.

Now, why the hell not?

monoxide_child was banned for, effectively, being annoying; except he actually had select people here that enjoyed reading his posts. UA has none.

Consistency please.
Unfortunately, most of his offenses are the equivalent of stealing pocket change, whereas he could only get banned for pulling the Big Dirty.

I support everyone putting him on Ignore. Constantly calling attention to him (excuse the irony of what I'm doing) only validates his behavior even more and doesn't get him any closer to getting banned.

This. Some of us have been here for 5+ years and really should know better than to respond to him (or trolls in general). Put him on ignore and save yourself the effort.
Don't be the faggot at the show that takes photos with flash while the band is playing. If you must, contain this to one song. Do not take selfies while bands are playing. This has become disturbingly common lately.
Or just grow up and have the self control to ACTUALLY ignore UA without needing to click an icon. Really, what are you people doing, seeing his posts and becoming so overcome with rage you can't help but respond? Have sex already, the tension is unbearable.

Regarding shows, be cool, dude. Enjoy the music, enjoy yourself, its a public environment like any other so have some manners except you're allowed to headbang and mosh if you wanna without judgment. Don't stress over it. Oh yeah and depending how packed the show is it'll probably be hot as fuck so opt for short sleeves
Now, why the hell not?

monoxide_child was banned for, effectively, being annoying; except he actually had select people here that enjoyed reading his posts. UA has none.

Consistency please.

Not true.

MC was banned for posting nudes of fat ICP girls. Of course he was banned.


I would never ban anyone for just being annoying, half the site's users would probably be banned, maybe even myself!

I gave MC every chance to not be banned (public and private). I've said it before, the thing I hate most doing as an admin is banning someone that regularly posts. But, when they refuse to follow a few simple rules well.. they leave me no choice.

I also always consider unbanning when the person contacts me in private. 75% of the time the person that was banned does not do this.

Anyways, I don't like banning. If you are on a perma-ban from this site - it wasn't me that caused it...

P.S. Get your asses over here and say hello to Savage Messiah:
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