Concert Go-ers! I need advice!

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Ok well first off thanks for reading! But basically next month I'm attending my first concert, Mayhem & Watain with revenge, and I wanted some advice on what to wear, how to act, and some do-nots, thanks!

Well, dark blue is for anal, light blue oral. Right pocket passive, left active.
most of his offenses

Interesting terminology, and what would said "offenses" be, exactly? Posting photos of myself doing stuff at metal concerts in a thread about (interestingly) doing stuff at metal concerts (which actually even got DELETED), and/or saying that I prefer live bands to wear actual costumes rather than jeans and T-shirts? The illogical aspect of such actions being called "offenses" is only surmounted by the lack of logic to be found in the fact that such innocuous actions actually managed to reduce fully-grown (probably) "bad-ass" (sarcastically) metalheads into whining and sobbing piles of painfully quivering tears. I certainly never intended to coax such crybabies out into such hideously plain view, and for that I am dreadfully sorry - shall I give them some candy to keep them quiet?
Doing nothing but trolling the boards and being a complete asshole has been a bannable offence before, remember effigyforgotten and rabid headbanger?
Doing nothing but trolling the boards and being a complete asshole has been a bannable offence before, remember effigyforgotten and rabid headbanger?

Trolling for the sake of trolling, yes, will get you banned (after you've been warned 2-3 times).

Annoying Personality != Trolling

The kind of shit UA says is no different than the treatment new users are given when they're posting for the first time, by quite a few people here. It's overzealous opinion spewing or just disregarding the fact that not everyone has the same views on things. That's why I say ignore.

Now, maybe UA is an amazing actor and has me fooled and is totally trolling the board. I like to think after dealing with as much trolling as I have while running the site, that I am able to discern the difference.
I'm exercising my tribunician power and closing this thread. I think the OP has been given satisfactory advice, and keeping it open is only going to prolong this fiasco. Let is rest.
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