Concert-goers! I need some advice

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New Metal Member
Aug 6, 2014
Ok well first off thanks for reading! But basically next month I'm attending my first concert, Mayhem & Watain with revenge, and I wanted some advice on what to wear, how to act, and some do-nots, thanks!
Wear Satanic ceremonial attire, spray goat's blood in the mosh pit, and on the last song use the goat's blood to draw a pentagram on the floor and dive off the stage into the middle of it face-first.
Wear whatever the fuck you want.

But a nice shirt with some satan reference never hurts. I always wear a collard shirt but I also always get VIP seating.
I always wear a collard shirt but I also always get VIP seating.

What, you mean like a shirt made of collard greens? I never considering wearing soul food to a metal concert. Do you accessorize with a necklace made of pigs' feet?

I couldn't resist.
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