Concert Review: A Sound of Thunder


Space Ghost
Aug 31, 2008
Near Raleigh, NC
On Saturday night, A Sound of Thunder (ASoT) took the Masquerade in Atlanta by storm. My measure of how good a performance is:

1) How horse my voice is the next day, and

2) How bad the back of my neck hurts the next day.

In both cases, I was damaged goods on Sunday, because ASoT delivered their brand of “modern metallized classic prog rock” (my description) with energy and gusto. Highlights included:

- The crowd chanting “Hail Queen of Hell” to bring on the opening song and ASoT delivering a raging rendition justifying the worship of their amassed legion.

- Time’s Arrow, the title track of their latest release, with its galloping riff leaving more than a few reaching for their best air guitar.

- Josh doing some Blackmore-like noodling during a rare quiet break.

- The performance of a hard hitting new song “Mummy’s Tomb.”

- “Kill that Bitch” completed the show with the crowd screaming “Kill her, kill her” to this over the top tongue-in-cheek classic.

Josh, Nina, Chris, and Jesse each gave a strong performance. The only bum notes were when Nina asked a couple of the crowd to join her on a chorus - unfortunate those poor souls had no chance of getting within an octave of her devilishly perfect performance.

Unfortunately, I left my camera at home, so here are a few iPhone photos to inadequately document the funny.
Theocracy and Valhalla but on a good show as well. I was back and forth all night and got to catch parts of Fintroll, Blackguard and the opening band upstairs too. It was nice not having to sit through the changeovers for a change.
Lane is dead on. A Sound of Thunder was magnificent. I enjoyed every second and every beat. The band has a lot of chemistry and they project a very appealing stage presence. The only way I can get "Kill that Bitch" out of my mind over the pat 72 hours is to hum "Times Arrow" or "I Will Not Break!" Lots of energy and spot on musicianship.

After the show, Josh, Nina, Chris, and Jesse mixed with the crowd signing autographs and participating in photo ops. They were unfailingly gracious.

I'd love to catch A Sound of Thunder again sometime! :headbang:

The other bands did well too. I thought Theocracy either had the music up too loud or they needed to boost the Matt's microphone as he often seemed drowned out (at least to my ears). Still, they sounded polished and put on a solid performance.

I was pleasantly surprised by Thundershield and Valhalla. In particular, I was impressed with Logan Detwiler's voice. The lead singer of Valhalla sounded great even a cappella during sound check.
I didn't catch this post before, but thanks guys! I'm so glad you enjoyed the show, it was definitely a good night!!
I didn't catch this post before, but thanks guys! I'm so glad you enjoyed the show, it was definitely a good night!!

Glad to hear that was a good show and awesome you guys got to play to a good audience. Seems like a complete 180 from that audience of all about 15 when you played here in Fredericksburg last summer at K.C.'s Music Alley.

Looking forward to getting to see you guys play some more local shows (from what I understand or heard through the grapevine, rumour has it that you will be playing that Iced Earth/Sabaton/ReVamp show in April).

Anyway, was awesome to get to come to the studio and participate in the "Thunder Choir". First time I've ever been in a recording studio as well.