Concerts in Europe?


New Metal Member
Apr 1, 2004
Hello :wave:

First of all let me thank Orphaned Land for this wonderful album which is also available here in Germany. I love the folk influences and the Hebrew lyrics. My favourite song is "Norra El Norra".

I hope that OL plans to make a trip through Europe and also to Germany. Don´t leave Germany out please.

Best greetings from Germany to Israel and the rest of the world.



Hey, a reply in German. Not bad ;)

I would love to answer in Hebrew but I only know "Shalom" and "Ivrit". I live in Wuerzburg / Bavaria in the south of Germany. Where in Israel do you live? I only know the bigger cities like Yerushalaim, Tel Aviv, Bethlehem, Haifa and Eilat.

i live in the cold, dark north. a city of doom called Karmiel ;)
about 50 km east to haifa...but at the moment i'm on the hills of haifa

btw, me and my friends will (probably) go to Bayern,Munchen next october...

Oktober Bier fest!!! :Spin:
It impressed me much that you want to offer your site in German and Arabic too. I simply have to support openminded people like you.

Of course you get any support you need from me. If you need some help for the translation of your official site into German you can contact me.

Unfortunately I have problems understanding the lyrics of your songs especially of the first song because I don´t know many things about lion, eagle, snake, crystal, half moon and things like that because I am not religious. Of course I know that the half moon is a symbol of Islam and the cross is a symbol of Christianity but the snake, the lion and the eagle and the triangle and so on? I don´t see the connection between those things but I try to find out ;-)

Hello to everyone

Saoirse, thank you for your help to our official website. We always need help from everyone. We have already a German webmaster, but we will need your help frequently, please keep contact us.

After site finished completely, I will start for Turkish, Hebrew, France, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic, German.

But this process will take long time because of it's so hard to make and keep update a website in multiple languages...

Love from Turkey, from webmaster of Orphaned Land's WebArk
I hope that OL will make an European tour that will passing by France, especially Paris...
I am waiting this event since many years...

Thanks again for this new great album ! The wait was long but everything comes...

- Another old fan from europe... -