Confessions of a (almost) Chain Smoker


relentless of
Aug 9, 2009
Virginia Beach, VA
so any of you smoke.. excessively?

Its funny as I was growing up I never imagined myself as someone who would even smoke, EVER. I even used to give people I knew shit for doing so. But one day when I was 20 I just started to smoke myself out of nowhere. It was to allow myself breaks at work to which I found out its mind clearing abilities. Back then it used to take me like a week to finish a pack. Fast forward about ten years and here I am a pack a day smoker with a constant need to smoke to release stress I feel constantly. Lately I've just been living in my head and I'm starting to reach that threshold where I could be reaching a pack and a half. Any of you have a similar situation?
I guess this is a bad thing to say but i love smoking.I enjoy it.My health is just fine.Doctor checked my lungs,he was well surpised when i told him a im a smoker for 6 years,i even won 2nd place in a school race in aprile.I never tried to leave it and i dont want to.:/
I had been a party smoker for a few years, but when I joined the army I slowly picked up a daily habit. Been on a pack a day since.
Lately I´ve had a couple of half-hearted tries at cutting down, but no luck so far.
so any of you smoke.. excessively?

Its funny as I was growing up I never imagined myself as someone who would even smoke, EVER. I even used to give people I knew shit for doing so. But one day when I was 20 I just started to smoke myself out of nowhere. It was to allow myself breaks at work to which I found out its mind clearing abilities. Back then it used to take me like a week to finish a pack. Fast forward about ten years and here I am a pack a day smoker with a constant need to smoke to release stress I feel constantly. Lately I've just been living in my head and I'm starting to reach that threshold where I could be reaching a pack and a half. Any of you have a similar situation?

I started smoking when I was 15, now I'm 22. I smoke up to half a pack to a pack a day depending on what I'm doing and how stressed I feel. I smoke more when I'm out with friends, in between classes in uni and at work, just to make a quick 5 minute getaway and when I'm driving. I've tried cutting down a few times but it doesn't help when your friends also smoke.

I think if I ever settle down in the future and I have a family, I'll probably quit for the sake of the kids. I say that now. :p
Last year I used to go through well over 30 cigs in one night at parties.
And honestly I loved it, it felt so great to chain smoke like a muthafucker and get drunk.
I'll admit when I was 14 I was 'straight edge' and vowed to 'never touch drugs' and that bullshit, but hey, started smoking that year and drinking the next:lol:
I quit the habit though, and my last social cigarette was maybe 3 weeks ago now.
I miss smoking, it feels great, but I usually have more motivation to spend my money on guitar strings, alcohol and music now and cigarettes was cutting into that budget and my parents hated my smoking, so I decided it was for the best I quit.
It took about 5 serious tries to quit, it's extremely easy to fall over and buy a pack and just tell yourself that'll be the last, that'll be the last, but I got there in the end and I'm proud of myself for having done so.
i have been trying to quit for a while, but i can't.
i really like to smoke..
but like you, my parents hate the fact that i do smoke

at the moment i think i smoke 12 cigs a day
I'm a smoker since I was 14 years old and now I'm 29, but now I hardly smoke, actually I smoke when i drink, no weed, I quited it a long time ago, but you know it something that happens with the time, the older you get the less you smoke, because at the beginning it something you want to show off yourself and be looked as cool because you smoke, then you realised it's stupid, and you start smoking less, because you smell like an ashtray after a big party...hhahhahaha

anyway...try not to smoke too much replace it for a cup of tea or candy...lolly pops are good for that....
its not that i am showing off to myself.
it is more of a way for me to relax.
i get so stressed out, and i can't calm down. so i smoke.
it helps.

but i know it is bad, and i have some friends trying to help me quit.
the candy is good tip.
Smoking, smoke because you are stressed.


honestly, if you were to come up with a legitimate reason to smoke tobacco, you'd be a fucking idiot. (Not SAYING you're a fucking idiot if you smoke)

People smoke because they can.