
I think i have a porn addiction (especially doggystyle scenes)
I straighten my hair for live shows only (its better to throw that way)
When i'm pissed out of my mind i blurt out useless statistical facts and become extremely involuntarily arrogant
I'm obsessive compulsive...but only when i'm not lazy
I have a two selfish life long goals: (OCD part)
1. To know everything about everything.
2. To be the best at everything. (to be that 'one person' in that phrase "there's always someone better than you")

I think i cried at the sad scene at the end of the movie "Click".

*Cringe* maybe too much info
My two favorite tv shows of all time are Star Trek DS9 and Babylon 5, and I was a sobbing wreck during the tragic yet beautiful series finale of each (watched 'em both on DVD in the past 3 years, actually, cuz being born in '86, I was to young to appreciate them when they were originally on). I love other Star Treks, but DS9 is far and above my favorite because of its story arcs and how serialized it is.
And after reading through this thread, some additions...

I don't like most bands from my home country and state.

+1 billion

I love manowar


-Eminem is one talented mutha


Damn some of you guys are a bunch of straight up fags. I thought the shit I listened to was bad.

Ahahahahahahahahahahaa, this one cracked me up, and needed to be said.


This one as well got a genuine "lol" from me :lol:

And as for the 80s pop and hair metal, I love that stuff so much and think it's so awesome that I can't imagine anyone not liking it, so it didn't even occur to me to put it as a confession. Just to give an idea, here's some excerpts from my top 20 albums of all time:

Depeche Mode - Violator
Dokken - The Very best of Dokken
Journey - Raised on Radio

And there are only four power metal bands I can truly listen to (Blind Guardian, Kamelot, Manowar, Sonata Arctica); the rest I either hate (Hammerfall and Dream Evil being two of the worst ARRRGGGHHHH) or listen to for comedic value.
Hmmm, lets see how many I can think of for now...

-I LOVE Jamiroquai, Toto, Steely Dan, Counting Crows, Simon and Garfunkel... I'll stop now

-like a few brothers here, I'm a porndog

-the (ONLY) movie that has made me cry was Click

-I love showing my balls to random people

-I used to straighten my hair when it was long... all the time

-Sometimes, I don't wash my clothes, I just put them in the dryer to make people think I washed my clothes
i like going down on a chick, i love some moody blues, elton john, van halen (not van hagar), i have a slipknot and soulfly tattoo, i listen to H.I.M and enjoy it...
o, im getting married my friend, no future in my life with another woman besides the one i have....YES I DO BELIVE IN TRUE LOVE, i know i have it and i also have a 3 year old daughter with her...LIFE IS GOOD
i think Black Metal and it´s background is pure bullshit, however there are a few good bands i enjoy to listen (a very limited bunch)