
I own a copy of everything Nine Inch Nails has ever released, even the Closure VHS from like 1994
I don't like blondes and am frightened of large breasts.

I like the early Van Hagar more than DLR's stuff (except maybe 1984) with them.

I listen to Fugazi and Bad Religion regularly.

Je ne suis pas une pipe.

I like the sound of solid state being slammed into submission more than tube distortion.

I was raised Catholic, so this confession thing could take a while.

I have almost as many Beatles shirts as I have death metal shirts.

I once bought the first Rage Against The Machine album because I thought the picture of the guy setting himself on fire was funny.

I scratched her initials in that pew after we fucked before the church service started (turns out an hour was just barely long enough... that's what she gets for making me go).

Vapor Transmission by Orgy is in the CD player two times a month. One of those times is now.

I never liked Tom Araya's voice or Kerry King's tone and solos. I always liked Testament more, anyway.

The D key on my laptop keyboard falls off constantly, so I'm typing without it.

I occasionally tune guitars 'up' for more string tension, and laugh when I'm chugging on a G#.

I break microphones and preamps just so I can fix them, and don't own a single pedal that hasn't had at least three parts switched out and/or removed entirely - my DS-1 has only half of its original components, and that's including the case, knobs, and switching.

I really like bears. I have two large teddy bears in my bedroom and one that watches over my amplifier.

On Wednesdays I believe in Santa Claus, but only for the chicks.

I love A Clockwork Orange, but don't know what a quarter of the words mean even when I'm reading it.

I'm saving up to buy a pink Hello Kitty Stratocaster so that I can put a Livewire: Metal in the bridge, string it up with 14-70s, tune it to B, and be the strangest death metal chugger in the city.

All of my guitar tracks have click track bleed. I could get rid of it, but I like being able to show off how in-time I can play to people who don't play metal or know what the fuck I'm talking about.

I should be doing Thermal Physics homework right now, but it's nowhere near as sexual as the name implies it could be so I'm not.

I haven't worn underwear in years, and I just found out on Monday that the pants I normally wear have noticeable holes right where Mr. Pinky lives when I sit down.

I sacrifice baby animals from my backyard to Devin Townsend, but I don't think he gets the parcels because the Postal Service probably questions the smell.

I once attempted to stab someone in the back because she hugged me. Now people don't hug me.

I'm going to have three full Bachelor of Science degrees by the age of 22 (math, physics, CS), and possibly a grad degree or two, but I am never going to hold a real job or do any real work. I just want to know everything.

REM makes me laugh. My neighbors routinely hear Losing My Religion and maniacal cackling, but they're used to it now so they don't call the police.

Smileys make me want to rip all yellow things in sight into tiny little pieces.

I'm probably taking this Confessions thing much too far.

I possess two AFI cds because the singer makes me giggle. He sounds like a pissed off chipmunk.

I'm using Windows right now, because I had to for the Thermal Physics homework I should be doing.

I'm still listening to Orgy.

There's a large stuffed fish-like thing on my dresser that came from a local amusement park and I still haven't the faintest idea what its purpose in existence is.

My death cult isn't coming along too well, I need to be more charismatic and persuasive.

I end all of my posts with 'Jeff' in case I forget who posted what I posted and start arguing with myself - it's happened before.

Winger rules.

Sometimes I enjoy a lo-fi style production if it's done right

I don't own any Slayer or Metallica CDs, nor do I plan to.

I own the entire Björk studio album discography and several DVDs.

I don't like most bands from my home country and state.
I own Metallica - Reload
I love spanish guitar folk music
I dig The Pouges a lot
I didn't had enough money for buying a ticket for last years Slayer/In Flames show. Same with the Bolt Thrower show.
I wish I was born Sweden/Norway or Finland.
I love (junk)food and beer way too much.
I was at a Bullet For My Valentine / As I Lay Dying show to see AILD and ended up in the BFMV moshpit.
I like Jazz.
And I like "beautiful" when sung by CA.
I also love the way she looks in the video.....
I always thought it would be super awesome having sex with her while she's looking into my eyes and singing.
I've told that my (ex)-GF..o_O
I now have a GF that is a great singer...I haven't asked her yet to sing while we're fucking...I'd like that...doesn't necessarily have to be "beautiful" I just wanna examine how her voice and phrasing would be changing during the act
I love the neptunes.
I could live without listening to metal.
I once stole a few coins in my mother's wallet.
I like big assed chicks.
I like to play my guitar unplugged in front of a mirror.
I hate the taste of beer but I often drink it.
I once peed on my dog while being drunk.
I often watch "Bill O'reilley talking points" just for the fun of it.
I cried like little girl when I watched "Million Dollar Baby".
I hate children because they are stupid and noisy.
I think "The Ultimate Sin" is the best Ozzy album.
"Somwhere in Time" is my favourite Iron Maiden album.
I think Dave Grohl is a super nice guy and a great musician.
I watched the whole Rockstar Supernova show and enjoyed it. (Rossi sucks though)
I got horny when red the LSD fantasy stuff about CA.
Haha, this thread is great.

I really like Kelly Clarkson as well, especially "Since You've Been Gone" and "Break Away". Great songs!

I tend to like some of Avril Lavigne's stuff, especially the song "I'm With You".

I can't stand the Backstreet Boys, HOWEVER, the song "Incomplete" is really really good, it's a total departure from their usual ultimate crap sound, and if I had written that song for them, I would be extremely proud of it.

I enjoy Josh Groban. The way the reverb responds to his voice sounds really, really good.

I like The Beach Boys, haha.

Also, going down the iTunes list, I dig 311, 30 Seconds to Mars, The Darkness, Fenix TX, Finch, Foo Fighters, Head Automatica, Hoobastank, Muse, Sevendust, SR-71, Stabbing Westward, Staind, Taproot, Thrice, and Underoath. This is my favorite website just cos its interesting to see what some people want to be the only thing they put out there to tell the world about themselves is.

I like Christina Alligator (or however its spelt) and Ive been to see Britany Spears live.
Haha, this thread is great.

I really like Kelly Clarkson as well, especially "Since You've Been Gone" and "Break Away". Great songs!

Hell yeah man.. i bought the original cd even hahaha!!
Kelly Clarkson owns!

Next to that:
I like big butts and i cannot lie!

A day before a gig i sometimes tend to take my bass and look in the mirrot to see how it will just about in "that" pose.. or maybe the other, and to see how high i have to keep up my guitar to make a confinsing metalcore mosh move, you know the drill hehehe..

I own about 16 converge shirts now.. its getting scary haha..

I watch the Bangbros "bigtits and asses" episode with Gianna far to much...

I was friggin down for a week when mieszko died!!