
I really like Kelly Clarkson as well, especially "Since You've Been Gone" and "Break Away". Great songs!

I tend to like some of Avril Lavigne's stuff, especially the song "I'm With You".

...... Sevendust..........

What do these 3 artists have in common? Butch Walker wrote for and/or produced all three.....the man is the king of hook melodies. He even does "Since You've Been Gone" live. My favourite of his is Sevendust's "Enemy". The perfect aggressive pop song.
What do these 3 artists have in common? Butch Walker wrote for and/or produced all three.....the man is the king of hook melodies. He even does "Since You've Been Gone" live. My favourite of his is Sevendust's "Enemy". The perfect aggressive pop song.

Agreed, Bütch Wälker rules, it's worth checking out his band Marvelous 3's album "Ready Sex Go." One of my favorite discs, they slay every pop/punk band I've heard.
Jason Upton
i should add more i guess
Avril Lavigne (every bandmember as a poster on his room of her...whaha..we exchanged those as birthday presents)
Sigur Ross
The Police
Ray Charles
I burned, peed and puked on the latest machine head after 1 week...i thought it sucked major ass..that was my reaction to it..
I think that slipknot isn't that bad..I often enjoy watching their dvd disasterpieces or listening to an album..
I sing in the shower
I sing on my room when I'm alone
I headbang to music when I'm alone..

I could live without listening to metal.
I once stole a few coins in my mother's wallet.
I like big assed chicks.
I like to play my guitar unplugged in front of a mirror.
I hate the taste of beer but I often drink it.
I often watch "Bill O'reilley talking points" just for the fun of it.
I cried like little girl when I watched "Million Dollar Baby".

Haha...oke I'll change some words and then I can also use that..
Guitar = Air Guitar
"Bill O'reilley talking points" = American Pie
"Million Dollar Baby" = Hearts in Atlantis

Agreed, Bütch Wälker rules, it's worth checking out his band Marvelous 3's album "Ready Sex Go." One of my favorite discs, they slay every pop/punk band I've heard.

yep....."Little Head" is a great 70s Cheap Trick throwback. I like his first 2 solo albums as well. The latest one didn't do anything for me, but "Letters" and "Left Of...." continue in the same vein as Marvelous 3. Insanely talented guy, he just can't seem to sell anything on his own and ends up selling big numbers when writing/producing for others. I love the Sevendust album he did (Seasons).

I used sing along to "Freak of the Week" in my car as a vocal warmup on the way to gigs back in the day.
I never really liked Slayer. They're a "greatest hits" type band for me. I can't get into most of their material all that much. I think Dave Lombardo is a great drummer, but I'd rather listen to his other projects. Grip Inc. kicks all kinds of ass.

I like Load and Reload. I think Load is a better album with stronger production than the Black Album.

I count Ani Difranco as a huge influence as a guitarist. Seriously.

I find blast beats really boring.

I prefer passive pickups by far. Preferably medium/lower output. EMGs have their place, it's just not in any of my guitars.

I'm not a big fan of most "metal" guitars. I don't like Jackson or Ibanez necks at all. I love Strats, though.

The Cure, Depeche Mode, and The Sisters Of Mercy all easily make my list of top ten favorite bands.

I listen to tons of ethereal floaty female vocal stuff- Portishead, Collide, Delerium, Mazzy Star, Lycia, Devics, The Elysian Fields, all that. And Tori Amos.
I just recently bought BFMV Live at Brixton DVD for way too many bucks, since I had a little extra money when compared to my normal economical situation.

I watched the DVD once and felt like crying. Now I have 50 euros for the rest of the month, and I can't afford paying my Internet bill. Fuck.
I also Like:
Silversun Pickups
The Tear Garden
Frou Frou
Marilyn Manson
Radio Haed
At The Drive-In
Kittie turned me on :loco:
Aphex Twin
Guano Apes
a crap load of other non-metal stuff & small tits :lol:
Fiona Apple... love her voice, her songs, her videos, and i'd fight you after school over her. ;)
I cant fucking stand the Beatles, and I think Zeppelin is overrated... as well as Hendrix.

I catch a LOT of shit for that, but, I grew up digging Floyd and Rush much more, so, fuck ya.

I listen to the Wu Tang Clan, DMX and quite a bit of other NYC area rap.

Trance kicks asses... 4 Strings, Timo Maas, Armin Van Buuren, for reals.

I've been playing too much PS3 lately...

That's it.


PS. Just remembed... fucking hate Depeche Mode too.. except "Its No Good"
let's go:

  • i own all the britney spears albums and listen to them just because i like the production
  • i have all the avril lavigne releases and listen to them a lot because i like her songs and voice (but i've seen i'm not the only one)
  • st anger is my favourite metallica album after kill them all and i really dig its production
  • i think h.i.m. have balls
  • i think attila csihar sounds like a horny retard