confusing women!

Jul 14, 2002
Stratford, CT
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Ok, so check this out and ladies offer your advice since I am confused.

Met this girl a few months ago and our schedules finally coincided for a date.
she came over around 1:30 in the afternoon. We instantly hit it off, same as we did the night I met her.
Long conversations, jokes aplenty, food, music stuff ( she plays guitar, I sing ), she finally gets ready to leave at about 1am.

I help her bring her stuff to the car we hug, moment seemed right, I asked for a kiss. We kissed, it was good. after she makes some comment about how she is a bad kisser. We both kind of laughed and she left.

Now all this week she is acting odd. One word answers, no funny comments or stories. odd.

I ask to see her again, she said she couldn't she had plans with friends. I said fine about the next week. she said " tentativly " yes. that sounded odd.

so I delve and say If I am being too pushy just say so. She says well yes you are " like with that kiss thing "

I said what was the matter with that? to which she replies that she didn't want to kiss good night. :err: I asked why she didn't say something at the time and she says she did the " bad kisser " comment. then continues to say how she doesn't want a boyfriend. ( ? ) I said " who said anything about that, I had a great time with you and would like to see you again that is all "

what the hell is this all about?
someone explain...
hmmm...sounds confusing indeed...I'm no expert on stuff like this...but personally I think you shouldn't have asked for the should have just let things happen her comment not wanting a boyfriend...that could mean one of two things...she is scared of relationships cause of past bad experiences etc...or 2...she doesn't want a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship with YOU and didn't want to hurt your feelings. The female gender is very complicated and I said before I'm not very experienced with stuff like this...but the little experiences that I did have...made me realise how confusing they can be.
sounds like SHE'S confused. if i didn't want to kiss someone when they asked for a kiss, i wouldn't


then again, i play with my menstrual chunks and make paintings with them
I have to say it.
Girls are fucked up!!!!
And believe me, ill be the first girl to admit that.

The reason I say we are so fucked up, is because we think that we are *so* obvious, and you guys probably understand us, so we say one thing, and do another: and then we don’t understand why you guys “don’t understand us”.
(makes sense?)

I’ll give you an example that can relate to your story.

A guy and a girl start to date, they get along perfectly, go out on dates, have fun with eachother – all that.
One night the girl decides that they better of as friends, so she tells that to the guy “gently”
She says: “look, its going too fast, I think its better if we’ll be just friends now…”
The guy understands and agrees to be “just friends”
So you know what happens next?
The girl thinks: “oh cool! I told him, he knows, so that means I can go on and act normal, and keep on going out with him and have fun, because after all we are just friends… I told him”

And you know what the guy thinks?
“wow…she invites me out…. And she is so nice to me.. even more than before… I swear she flirts with me as well…. She said she wanted to take things slow… maybe I should wait a little and make another move, she obviously likes me!!!….”

See what happened?

That poor guy will maybe make another move, and that girl will get so *pissed* for not respecting her wishes….
And that example is SOOOOO common… who wasn’t in a situation like that ?

We think: “he knows”
You guys think: “oh wait but……….there is something there”

About your story…..
Obviously that girl doesn’t know what she wants…. She is not sure about anything.
Two things:
Maybe all she wants is being only friends, and when you asked about the kiss she was too shy/ embarrassed to say anything and she just felt awkward about it so she said a silly remark (oh us girls!!! We always say silly remarks when we don’t know what to say..! lol)

Or: maybe it wasn’t your fault for not getting her signals, because obviously she was giving you mixed signals through the whole night…

Either way……. Don’t try to think too much about it.
You want my advice?
Is she is being weird to you now: just ignore her….
That will sure drive her nuts.

And another thing………. Is someone is not willing to be with you 100%
Then fuck them… its their loss right ?

Good luck!
is it just me or is this happening to all of us right now :lol:
yeah dreamneon ive learned to forget and try again, some girls are so wierd =/
"The female gender is very complicated and weird..."

Now THERE is an understatement.............................
It's not as confusing as you think....uhm
I understand where she's coming from
and I feel sorry for both of you :erk:

At the time, she probably wanted to be close with somebody (like with the kissing situation), but reality probably hit...Maybe she realized that she did not want you in that way....uhm..You also could have moved too fast for her.

She's probably avoiding you a bit because she doesn't want to lead you on....and she doesn't want to repeat something that will make her uncomfortable or hurt you in the end.

It's a vicious feels like "yes! i want this! whoohoo!"
and then the next thought is "what was I thinking...what have I done" of luck to you both...I would go into more detail, but I have errands to run

I hope this helps
Black Winter Day said:
Dead Lioness: you are the most level-headed female i believe i've come across in quite some time. could you please have a talk with a few of my ex girlfriends? :D
Karen indeed is a cool customer!:) Anyway..........."Psychotic. Stay away till she comes to you." LMAO! I'm not so sure that's a good suggestion!
I for one have just about given up on the whole dating/relationship bullshit circle of drama, unless something falls in my path that does'nt require all the prerequisite folly..........jesus what a pain in the ass......................