confusing women!

Thanks everyone.

I think I am going to distance myself somewhat from her and begin the long road for finding the next person. She is great and all but there is some sort of problem there and I am not looking for drama.

:flicks the emotional switch to OFF:

aaaahhh cold hard logic, i've missed you my friend.:wave:
for some odd reason I always look to distance myself when stuff like this happen or other relationship related stuff...hmm...I guess that is what seems right for both parties at the time...but you are lucky that you have control of that emtional switch :) ...that's very good...I wish I had it ;)...anyhow buddy good luck in the future...
Dead_Lioness said:
I have to say it.
Girls are fucked up!!!!
And believe me, ill be the first girl to admit that.

The reason I say we are so fucked up, is because we think that we are *so* obvious, and you guys probably understand us, so we say one thing, and do another: and then we don’t understand why you guys “don’t understand us”.
(makes sense?)

I’ll give you an example that can relate to your story.

A guy and a girl start to date, they get along perfectly, go out on dates, have fun with eachother – all that.
One night the girl decides that they better of as friends, so she tells that to the guy “gently”
She says: “look, its going too fast, I think its better if we’ll be just friends now…”
The guy understands and agrees to be “just friends”
So you know what happens next?
The girl thinks: “oh cool! I told him, he knows, so that means I can go on and act normal, and keep on going out with him and have fun, because after all we are just friends… I told him”

And you know what the guy thinks?
“wow…she invites me out…. And she is so nice to me.. even more than before… I swear she flirts with me as well…. She said she wanted to take things slow… maybe I should wait a little and make another move, she obviously likes me!!!….”

See what happened?

That poor guy will maybe make another move, and that girl will get so *pissed* for not respecting her wishes….
And that example is SOOOOO common… who wasn’t in a situation like that ?

We think: “he knows”
You guys think: “oh wait but……….there is something there”

About your story…..
Obviously that girl doesn’t know what she wants…. She is not sure about anything.
Two things:
Maybe all she wants is being only friends, and when you asked about the kiss she was too shy/ embarrassed to say anything and she just felt awkward about it so she said a silly remark (oh us girls!!! We always say silly remarks when we don’t know what to say..! lol)

Or: maybe it wasn’t your fault for not getting her signals, because obviously she was giving you mixed signals through the whole night…

Either way……. Don’t try to think too much about it.
You want my advice?
Is she is being weird to you now: just ignore her….
That will sure drive her nuts.

And another thing………. Is someone is not willing to be with you 100%
Then fuck them… its their loss right ?

Good luck!

You gotta love someone for such an intelligent post...
ignore her? easier said then done! I tried to ignore someone but damn.. it's harder than I thought. damn you women!
hmm...yes it is...but look at it this way...everything must come to an end...the sooner the you more time to learn from past experiences, and if you are at fault...then try to make yourself a better person...a stronger person, look at it as a learning experience and move on with life...that way it will be harder for people to bruise you.
metal17 said:
hmm...yes it is...but look at it this way...everything must come to an end...the sooner the you more time to learn from past experiences, and if you are at fault...then try to make yourself a better person...a stronger person, look at it as a learning experience and move on with life...that way it will be harder for people to bruise you.

I find myself not in a very good mood this week. not really because of whacky girl # 56839, but about things in general. Whacky girls being one of them.
I think I have too many things on my plate at the moment. working full time ( and them some ), whacky girls, House hunting, this damn band driving me crazy about the mixes to thier songs I have done and trying to figure out how to work a school schedule into everything.
I feel the cracks beginning to show.:ill: :yell:

Sometimes it sucks facing a bold new future all by yourself.