confusing women!

someitmes when life gets you down, you need to rent a fast car and drive like a bastard to las vegas with a suitcase full of vile chemicals in the trunk.
Mistake 1 - ASKING for a kiss

Mistake 2 - Letting her give you shit and fuck you about.

If it isnt happening naturally and someone needs to ask - Its a bad thing.

If they fuck you about and keep cancelling for freinds- You're a tard. Freinds are freinds. They're always about. new hook ups take precedence.

Thus spake the junkie
I for one, do not believe that you asking for a kiss was so bad. Women aren't fucked up. Its the generalization that they are, that fucks everything up.

Everyone plays mindgames... Guys, girls. It doesn't fucking matter. If she didn't want a kiss then she shouldnt have kissed you. I know where your at Dreamneonblack. I've been tossed around by women and still hold nothing against them. Oh, and dead lioness, just because you dont want to be with someone 100% doesnt mean you should say "fuck'em".I know that you've probably didnt want to see a boyfriend every now and then, or you were angry at them and didnt feel like seeing them. Relationships have to be maintained, they dont just happen, It wouldn't be just "their" loss.
If you like a girl and shes playing "mindgames" with you, just sit down and talk with her. If you really like her and she really likes you, but shes not sure if she wants to be your girlfriend, or just a friend. Then what have you got too lose? If you really like her, go for her. If somethings not worth fighting for, then its not worth having. well, thats my opinion anyway.
very simple, Dan. the woman enjoyed your company, though didn't want a kiss from you, or anything of that kind. you merely asking for a kiss was a wrong move that made her see you not as a buddy (which she probably wanted to be, your friend) but as "a man that asks for..." probably left a bad taste in her mouth. not cuz of the breath :D, just that she might have not wanted such move from you (obviously not only might have not...) and now she feels :ill: . game ruined.
Well that just sucks.

I have to say this even though it will make me sound like an asshole...which I am.

I have enough " friends " I am not looking for anymore. It would be nice for once to have a romantic relationship of some sort.

And a something I have seen and learned over the years is that very very rarely are guys and women just " friends " most of the time one has romantic feelings for the other and it usually ends bad.

But oh well.
This is really odd. I think I am the ONLY MAN alive who has far more female freinds than male. And it is possible for men and women to just be freinds. I've known most of mine for so long that if anyone tried anything it would just feel wrong. Like your sister or something.

Best way to avoid this kind of thing is make it perfectly clear at the start that you are single and looking. If she's not after that kind of set up, ask about her freinds. Women with people very often have single freinds.

Seriously though dude don't let a few setbacks fuck you up. Overall you'll probably be knocked back more than you'll be taken up, but the ones who do like you will be far more into you.

Keep looking.
the best friend I've ever had is a man. OK, now he's not my bestest friend (as metalized took over that role :D), but he definetily was at that specific period of time.
^ yep same here Tee.
most of my friends are males, although i was lucky enough to meet some great females in my life,
and we are friends for over 10 years now.

i have nothing against females or anything, but most of them just suck.