Connecting via SPDIF


Prettiest Hair Around
Oct 31, 2006
I am trying to hook up my Pod HD500 to my Saffire pro 40 via spdif. I have the spdif out from the pod into the spdif input on my saffire. I make sure the Pods sample rate is the same as the Saffire's. I am monitor directly through the Saffire when I set the sync source from internal to spdif and the monitor outputs to spdif. The problem with that is I can't hear anything else but the Pod. When I want to monitor in Cubase I set the Saffire's monitor outs back to my monitor speakers outputs and the sync source back to internal. Problem is I am getting subtle clicks in the background when I do it that way. How are you guys using spdif? How can I direct monitor through my Saffire rather than Cubase but still be able to hear the other tracks?
seems to be fine when I set the sample rate in the pod and saffire to 48 or 96. When I have the sample rate on 44.1 for both of them then I get the clicks again. Only way around it is to set the sync source to spdif. Figured out how to hear other sounds though so maybe it's all good then? What is the disadvantage of having the sync source be set to spdif when working on a project in Cubase? I don't know shit about this topic.
yeah that's what I figured out. Would that interfere with anything when I'm working on a Cubase project? Say I want to record a part with the Pod via spdif but then want to record say one of my synths and also do mixing. Would me being synced to the pod affect any of that? Would always having it clocked to the pod (as long as I have it plugged in) be detrimental in any way?
cool thanks guys. SO excited to have my studio gear back up and running again with my new PC.