Considering the switch to Pro Tools 9


Celestial Recordings
May 17, 2010
North Wales, UK
Getting pretty sick of Logic 9 constantly crashing on me, freezing, errors with opening etc etc Its not really professional when I'm half way through tracking a band and it crashes two or three times a session! Plus, I've heard Logic X has been pushed back a couple years and they're trying to making it more consumer friendly...Garageband style... :puke:

Need some Bro Tools fan boys opinions and words of recommendations!

I really love the editing in logic (flex time) and I have a really smooth workflow with all my key commands glued to my fingers, so it seems kind of scary to drop it and totally RE-LEARN a new DAW : /
I know you want Pro Tools 9 but have you tried Cubase 6 yet? The new beat detective style editing has been quite useful, as well as the tempo detection and vst expression which Pro Tools hasn't got. Only really useful if you like keyboards really lol Has also been really stable so far.
1. its protools 10 right now
2. the crashing is DEFINITLY a problem with your setup not with logic 9

I am using logic 9 on a daily basis and it only crashed on me once in the last year, and that was because I didnt delete the settings file of VCC after installing the new version.

Check your OSX bro...
Logic doesn't crash for me but the CPU usage is pathetic! For an apple based product
It's a bit of a joke, cubase 6 TIEM
You clearly have a normal running version of logic, ours was infact a waste of money I've had nothing but problems from it, not to mention it looks like shit haha
PT9 wasn't the most stable thing on my Mac, but PT10 is awesome, extremely fast, responsive and stable as fuck...not a single crash or even hickup so far.
sessions that needed sometimes MINUTES to open/load in PT9 take about 5-10 seconds to open now.

the only downside of it: AVID is the worst company ever when it comes to dealing with their customers, their pricing is sometimes far off and their hardware can become obsolete quite fast if you're out of luck
Thanks for the replies guys. Any ideas what it could be setup wise as to why it's crashing? It seems to only be when I've been running logic a while or relatively large projects. I don't get a system overload message though, just "unexpectedly quit". The scissor tool can be funny too. When I go to snip a region with flex on it, the spinning ball of death will appear and have no choice but to force quit. This isn't every time, but a bit often for my liking.

I'm running an iMac, mid 2010, quad core, 2.9Ghz with 4 gig of RAM
Are you running audio from an external drive?
What's the connection to the drive, if so?

How much space is on your HDD?
My experience of Logic is that it's pretty flakey... But then I go fucking ballistic and start screaming at it every time I have to open the damn thing! If only Waveburner was sold seperatly