Console vs. In the Box Mixing???

John Haddad (Shiva Industries)

Dump Truck Repairs
Nov 17, 2005
Corona, CA
Hey guys/gals just curious to whom uses consoles to mix as apposed to mixxing in the box? Any preference of the two? I do Console mixing mainly but have done a handful of In the Box mixing usually due to not enough channels on my console (24). I generally track thru my console and then play back thru it aswell, then mix down thru using each channel for individual instruments. I like In the box mixing due to the simple fact that remixes are a hell of alot quicker because all your settings stay the same where as on the console without recall or some form of automation it can be quite frustrating.

I am ataching to this post 2 pdf's I created to help in the aiding of settings for a mix on a console, you'll notice in the eq fields are left blank due to my console having a seven band section.

I believe theres benefits to both mediums but thought I'd see where everyone else is at.

Hope this helps!
I mix in the box and have had no issues with it. there may be a differance but if there is it must be when you get to the super fancy expensive mixxers and such!!
Love JOJO:kickass:
Yeah I'm trying to debate picking up a Trident series 80C, to replace the series 75 I have Now. Anyone worked on an 80C Before or even and 80B? I just hope that console mixing doesnt become extinct anytime soon - but it is preference so I dont think it'll ever happen as a standard.
It is jaw dropping..

At the CORE.. those are AMD boxes running Nuendo with Protools delegated for playback pretty much.

Anywho, that is BIG TIME film scoring on a SICK budget, and Ross has done so many films its out of comprehension.

that is total Dream Land.... but reality for those guys.
Big fan of Consoles here over In the Box. Things just sound better to me doing a console mix vs in the box.
Big fan of consoles. I learned on a real analog console, so that may have something to do with it, but either way, I definitely prefer the sound and options that I get with consoles.