

Satan Christ
Dec 16, 2001
Morristown, Arizona
What does Consternation mean exactly? (It's a song title off the new album). Is it like when you sit on the toilet but you can't go? And how come Swedish people know better english than I do?

Here comes my poor translation of that title.

It means something like ‘a little riot’, noise, rumour, sensation or something like:

‘What the f*cking hell is going on, right here!’
Well, we have the sae word in french..I think it means the same thing...Consternation means when you give up on a terrible thing..i mean whaen a disaster happens and you see it just in fron of you but you can't do nothing...that's what consternation is...when things are so much to handle and you can just cry....
Well, that is true. I am too lazy to use a dictionary, that's why I asked here. It was easier. And I have absolutely no consternation about it. (Did I use it right?)


N.P. - Katatonia - My Twin MP3
EvilVince said:
Well, that is true. I am too lazy to use a dictionary, that's why I asked here. It was easier. And I have absolutely no consternation about it. (Did I use it right?)


N.P. - Katatonia - My Twin MP3
No, you didn't use it right.

It means: "A state of paralyzing dismay."
Well in finnish as well:

Konsternaatio on ko Katatonia keksii semmosen biisin nimen ja sitte fanit iha hädissään kyselee että "mitäs tuo nyt oikei on!?" ja sitten ihmettelee suuresti mitä viisaita kirjotin tähän.
for the record in Italian the word is "costernazione" and in Swedish: konsternation= förvirrad förvåning....

It´s maybe not everyday language..but we know how skillful is Jonas when he writes:)

consternaçao, ha ha I love this in portuguese!
Main Entry: con·ster·na·tion
Pronunciation: "kän(t)-st&r-'nA-sh&n
Function: noun
Etymology: French or Latin; French, from Latin consternation-, consternatio, from consternare to throw into confusion, from com- + -sternare, probably from sternere to spread, strike down -- more at STREW
: amazement or dismay that hinders or throws into confusion <the two... stared at each other in consternation, and neither knew what to do -- Pearl Buck>
Justin_BORK said:
Main Entry: con·ster·na·tion
Pronunciation: "kän(t)-st&r-'nA-sh&n
Function: noun
Etymology: French or Latin; French, from Latin consternation-, consternatio, from consternare to throw into confusion, from com- + -sternare, probably from sternere to spread, strike down -- more at STREW
: amazement or dismay that hinders or throws into confusion <the two... stared at each other in consternation, and neither knew what to do -- Pearl Buck>

ai ai ai pretty much sums it.