
New Metal Member
Feb 6, 2006
lol i hAVE BEEN LOOKING EVERY where for an address to send maiden an email confessing my love for them lol!! any body wanna help my life long dream of contacting them?!!?!? PLEASE
hahahhahahaha, funny you can damn near find info on Maiden just about anywhere. You'll never find a personal Iron Maiden email but you can always email their label. Good luck!
dude ive tried 5375276024604768976936 times 906246246624246 times...i never found one. i love iron maiden, they are absolutely my favorite and the best fuckin band every to bless the earth. every album, fuck all yall who say they stop with SSOASS....THEY OWN ALL!!! everything bitches!!!

i am an absolute maiden freak...i got every single album, live album, single, dvd, vhs, soundhouse tapes, shirt, poster, mug, hat, vest, bathrobe, mask, pencils, drum sticks, coasters, key chain, backpack. i have been to past 5 tours... (wouldve been to ALL but am only 14 so you see my dilema before then). i have saved each ticket as well. i also have bought all my moneys worth of merchandise such as tour shirts/programmes.

i know can play every single maiden song on drums, and know each guitar riff/solo/drum/vocal line/lyrics/dynamics by heart. i also can play easy stuff on not a guitarist but everything of maiden that is inside my guitar playing abilities i know.

i would choose every maiden album/song/member/cover/logo, anything over ANY other band hands down. and thats not being stubborn, my love for them is actually that large. no other ban can give me feelings they do, they convey such key things i look for and cant explain.

when i listen it actually feels like the music goes into my body and spreads throughout it reaching every part of my soul i didn't even know existed. it's dream is to meet them...i will cover so many fuckin songs in my years. i love iron maiden, they are the best...MAIDEN RULES, UP THE FUCKIN IRONS!! :headbang:

(absolutely none of this is bullshit)
Iron Maiden is great, but good luck ever getting a message to them directly. The best way is to catch them when one of the band members are doing a show with one of their side project bands. Those projects play very small clubs and you might have a chance.

Another thing you could try is to start following around that one band that one of their daughters is in. I can't remember which members daughter it is, but one of them has a REALLY hot daughter that plays in a new band now. Daddy comes to see his little girl, her band plays small club, bammo! Good luck though. To pull it off will take a ton of money, time, and research, but I am sure there is a way.
This won't help much, but I know for a fact that some of them read the Maiden bulletin board/message board thingy. Last time I saw them Bruce made reference to a post on there about lip synching. The post had been made the day before the show. I doubt they always look, but come album time or something I'm sure they look up an opinion or two. Still, I wouldn't count on anything.
MaidenFreek said:
lol i hAVE BEEN LOOKING EVERY where for an address to send maiden an email confessing my love for them lol!! any body wanna help my life long dream of contacting them?!!?!? PLEASE

dude there are a thousands of people just like you sending them letters that they probably dont read, and if you meet them personally it wont make any difference because they will forget you the second you get done talking to them. Plus its kind of gay sucking up to a band like that. Theres too many fish in the sea and one more isnt going to make any difference..... unless you murdered one of them. I guess they would recognize you then.
Vital Remains said:
dude there are a thousands of people just like you sending them letters that they probably dont read, and if you meet them personally it wont make any difference because they will forget you the second you get done talking to them. Plus its kind of gay sucking up to a band like that. Theres too many fish in the sea and one more isnt going to make any difference..... unless you murdered one of them. I guess they would recognize you then.

hey man, yes there are thousands of us...but no need to bash ones dream yea?

Wyvern said:
No wonder I feel sored...:Smug:

hahah...thats right!! lol, will defend that statement to my last breathe! :p
No-Mercy said:
hey man, yes there are thousands of us...but no need to bash ones dream yea?

hahah...thats right!! lol, will defend that statement to my last breathe! :p

Well you may learn to defend the statement with nicer words. You may find Vital Remains post offensive , I may find yours too.
No-Mercy said:
fuck all yall who say they stop with SSOASS....

Talk about objectivity... :tickled:
Fuck you as well! :p

i am an absolute maiden freak...i got every single album, live album, single, dvd, vhs, soundhouse tapes, shirt, poster, mug, hat, vest, bathrobe, mask, pencils, drum sticks, coasters, key chain, backpack.

Since you're 14, you've got some big bucks already eh? ;)
I doubt you're more obsessed than an aquaintance of mine who actually got into their backstage several times and heads the Croatian Maiden FC.
The designer for my bands cover is also a Maiden freak, spent tons of dollars on Maiden stuff on ebay and he's a total TNOTB era Dickinson lookalike - try to top that! :tickled:

(absolutely none of this is bullshit)

Man, am I glad I the internet wasn't as available when I was 14, who knows what I might have been ranting about... ;)
SickBoy said:
Talk about objectivity... :tickled:
Fuck you as well! :p


SickBoy said:
Since you're 14, you've got some big bucks already eh? ;)
I doubt you're more obsessed than an aquaintance of mine who actually got into their backstage several times and heads the Croatian Maiden FC.
The designer for my bands cover is also a Maiden freak, spent tons of dollars on Maiden stuff on ebay and he's a total TNOTB era Dickinson lookalike - try to top that! :tickled:

lol indeed. hey yea like you said, they're probably are bigger because of the simple fact i was born 11 years after their debut album. hey, but i try yea?

SickBoy said:
Man, am I glad I the internet wasn't as available when I was 14, who knows what I might have been ranting about... ;)

lol i hear that.