contest: paid job, black/death metal w/ violin


New Metal Member
Jun 13, 2008
Hey everyone,

we are a young band from Germany looking for someone to mix our EP. Since I've seen a few contests posted here with great success, I thought we could try this ourselves :)

A few infos upfront:
- 6 songs
- the budget is 400$ for the whole EP
- drums haven't been recorded - only midi (so you will need some sampling software)
- the guitars and bass tracks are DI's

The violin and clean vocals will probably need some manual tuning corrections, I've tried auto-tune with mixed success (but I'm not very proficient at it :D).
Most tracks also need some editing. I'm not sure what the usual rates are for this, so I'd like to ask you to just post mixes of the sample song that include what you are willing to do for the stated budget. (i.e. no editing if you aren't willing to edit for the 400$). Thanks :)

Some loudness-"mastering" would also be nice. (We're fully aware that we can't expect true mastering for this price).

You are also welcome to use the tracks to practice your mixing skills if you don't want to participate, just mention it if you post your mix :)

The files: (286mb)
(see the README.txt for tempo and other notes)
A really "rough" mix to see if the music interests you at all: (5.5mb)

There are no really big guidelines, although we would like it if the drum sound went in the direction of the new arch enemy stuff.


edit: contest deadline is August the 10th, 2010
you will only find noobs doing a 6 track ep including editing, mixing and mastering for 400 $...
dont expect to get great results. 400 $ per track would be a good starting point... but thats still very cheap.
my advice : save the money and let someone really good on this forum do one song (your single) for 400 $.

not trying to bash you here, but i hope you guys know the amount of work and time that goes into editing and mixing a full song...
Hi dcb :)

we are aware that a professional will take a lot more than we are offering here. But I have been hanging around here for a while and have since gotten the impression that there are also a lot of very good amateurs on this forum who may want to do the job for this kind of money.

Also, none of us are professional musicians and the tracks have been recorded in my very basic home studio - so the playing and recording doesn't really justify paying that much money imho. (Weakest link in the chain, etc. :))

But thanks anyway for your input!
Hi dcb :)

we are aware that a professional will take a lot more than we are offering here. But I have been hanging around here for a while and have since gotten the impression that there are also a lot of very good amateurs on this forum who may want to do the job for this kind of money.

Also, none of us are professional musicians and the tracks have been recorded in my very basic home studio - so the playing and recording doesn't really justify paying that much money imho. (Weakest link in the chain, etc. :))

But thanks anyway for your input!

I'll do it dude :D

I need the practise, and I'm getting good at doing reasonable sounding stuff.

I obviously won't be able to give you a real "pro" sounding product like a Sneap mix or a Lasse mix, but I can give you good quality stuff, and for death metal a nice brutal mix should sound good haha

I'll download the files soon, and see what I can do man \m/
I agree $400 is not much for this amount of work, but it's also more than I normally get, so I will do this. (Hell, my last label release I made less than $300).

So I guess it's the usual we post a mix and you pick the person whose mix you like best?
what's the deadline?

dl'ing the sample track now, if i like the music i'm in!
what's the budget in euro? i'm from germany too...
I may as well have a crack... I'm waiting on drums from my album before I can track guitars, so sure... why not!
But again, even most guys on here willing to do this probably deserve a fair bit more than $400 in every single respect. It's not a mix and master you're asking for. You're asking for editing/ reamping/ drums everything. So I'll have a go for now anyways. Chances are the others will do a better job anyway.

Hi dcb :)

we are aware that a professional will take a lot more than we are offering here. But I have been hanging around here for a while and have since gotten the impression that there are also a lot of very good amateurs on this forum who may want to do the job for this kind of money.

Also, none of us are professional musicians and the tracks have been recorded in my very basic home studio - so the playing and recording doesn't really justify paying that much money imho. (Weakest link in the chain, etc. :))

But thanks anyway for your input!

well you got some guys here trying this out, so good luck with that!
but as i said dont expect these guys to work there asses off for that money.

whats cool about the whole thing is that people get to work on other peoples material, which is cool for learning (and thats what this place is there for inmy opinion!)
Man, I can do this on the studio I work on, but starting only on August 2nd (the studio is closed atm). If you're not on a tight schedule, I might do something by next week.

Btw, $400 is almost what i get paid for a full album here in Brazil. I dont know how the guys on the bigger markets (Sao Paulo, Rio, Belo Horizonte) charge, but here the prices for the pro studios vary between $30 to $60/hour.
Man, I want to hug all the guys who get paid real shit :( but even at $30 an hour do you really think it would take you less than 12 hours to edit/ mix/ master this?? You guys definitely deserve better pay if you have to manage such things. No joke :p I'll start this tonight probably :)
id bite somebodys hand off for that kind of money working on a mixing project, for someone like me, who cannot get a job, and is completely unnknown in the mixing world, id gladly put in the hours to get paid, i do this kind of shit for free almost every day at the moment as im trying to build a good collection of solid work,

i downloaded the files already, do we have a deadline then?