contest: paid job, black/death metal w/ violin

First of all a big thank you to everyone who participated! We have a rehearsal on thursday where we're going to discuss the mixes with all the band members present.

@fredoreo: np, it will enter as well :)
decided I would probably go straight to the "at least a little serious" level by buying everything, getting legit, and charging what I diserve. Even if I'm not as good as a lot of people here.

Way to go. Exactly the correct way to go. I once had a guy offer to mix a song for an amount that sounded a bit on the high-side, but he was very good so I went ahead and agreed to hire him as this single was pretty important at the time. As we were setting up the mixes (I was going to sit in on the session with him) we were talking about how nobody wants to pay what he is worth, how cheap bands are, blah, blah, blah. I was with him right up until he loads up my files and then proceeds to pull up a cracked version of Cubase loaded with cracked Waves plugs. I asked him why he thought he deserved to be paid more than most other people in his line of work but yet didn't think that the guy making his software deserved anything. Needless to say I had him delete my files and I walked, ending up with a guy with a legit DAW and who used stock plugs and did fantastic work. I ended up paying him what the other guy wanted, even though his rate was about half.

Moral of the story, if you want to get paid, pay what you owe first. Again, way to go LeSedna.
First of all a big thank you to everyone who participated! We have a rehearsal on thursday where we're going to discuss the mixes with all the band members present.

@fredoreo: np, it will enter as well :)

Cool, thanks (mine doesn't go through a mastering limiter, so make sure to turn the volume up a bit)

just wanted to let you know that we have chosen the winner:
CAlexanderParra will be mixing our EP :)

Thanks again everyone for taking part!
If anyone wants any comment on their mix (from a pure amateurs perspective ;)), feel free to ask or send a PM.
