Controversial Opinions on Life

and psychedelic mushrooms


Gated communities promote racism, ignorance, and weakness.

The double standard is such bullshit. I've said some things to girls which sound preposterous to them coming from me but are apparently alright for them to say. "What kind of guy do you think I am?" is my favorite right now.

My tendency to look at people as individuals instead of members of groups makes it impossible for me to accept racism and sexism.
my pals AREN'T BLACK.
THEY'RE JUST my pals.

That is all.

EDIT: Oh, and it should be law that if a girl says "You're fucking awesome, i'd date you if I was single" should be forced to suck the first party's penis.
Everyone is an asshole, until proven otherwise.

I find being social with that philosophy in mind makes things alot more enjoyable. Also means that if someone actually is an asshole (and let's be honest, 90% of people never prove themselves not to be) then you're not suprised in the slightest.

And nothing truely matters. Doesn't matter how famous you are, how rich you are, how much you'll die. You'll be forgotten. You'll crumble to dust. The world will end. All life will end. The universe will collapse/disperse. All energy will be gone. Pure. Utter. Darkness.

Which, oddly enough, makes me feel alot better :)