Controversial Opinions on Life

Which, oddly enough, makes me feel alot better :)

Our alphabet needs to be fixed in order to actually fit with pronunciation.
A language should be created so that thoughts can be conveyed with the most precision.
How most people, at least 18-30, abdicate responsibility as much as possible and constantly voice their longing to go back to being the leech at home, or activily remain a leech on their parents or society.
Our alphabet needs to be fixed in order to actually fit with pronunciation.
A language should be created so that thoughts can be conveyed with the most precision.

one of the many stupid things that bothers me is the letter C. all hard C's should become K's, and CH should become C. i also think we should use Z more often instead of using S for Z sounds.
In Romanized Hindi and Sanskrit c is ch. And ch is aspirated c. If that makes any sense. The letter q is also stupid. And the fact that every vowel when written in English can be a bunch of different things.
QU should just become Q

as for vowels, we should put accents over them if they sound different than the standard sound, if anyone knows what that is anymore. the double O should go away too
We should also have some sort of marker for the stress on a syllable (which Spanish has).
Simplifying the English language should be punishable by death and internationalists that enter the united Kingdom should be given the original punishment for treason.

A new island should be constructed off of the coast of the British Isles, with a similiar function to Taiwan in that the Union flag would be flown at permanent half mast in honour of king from long ago (I don't particularly care which, Maybe Richard the Lionheart) and officially the governor of the island (me) should claim to be be the true ruler of everywhere which has ever belonged to Britain.

The ex SAS members of the former colonies and anyone else who would be good are invited and paid highly to defend the island (which would be in agreement with the UK government and we would not make our political opinions overt, but only declare them at official functions, such as the hanging of smugglers that came into our waters.

The flag, on a pole next to the union flag one, would be a black and white union flag with a white rose [of Yorkshire] over the top.

We would recruit non muslim asians as mercenaries to help us kidnap extremists who appear in the media criticising our motherland and bring them back to be executed in the original British way.

There would be an official Witchfinder General, who serves no purpose other to appal people in other countries though his existence.

Officially, America would not be recognised as a sovereign country, neither would Zimbabwe, Hong Kong and some others but not including India or Pakistan.
EDIT: Oh, and it should be law that if a girl says "You're fucking awesome, i'd date you if I was single" should be forced to suck the first party's penis.

I'm all for this.

People need to fucking grow up instead of acting like/wishing they are/were still in high school until their 30s.

"Life is like high school with money"
-Frank Zappa
I just included it in the list but I thought it was obvious I meant not acknowledge it as belonging to China.