Controversial opinions on metal

I have two controversial opinions.
Shadows Fall are pretty good. Their latest is incredibly generic and sounds like they're ripping themselves off, but the rest is fairly solid thrash with touches of metalcore and death and they're great live.

I doubt many people on here listen to Shadows Fall, so this next one probably won't bother anyone, but...
Fallout From The War > The War Within
I've heard several songs from the new Metallica album (not the singles). I like it. For those comparing it to Load and Reload, you're way off. This doesn't even sound like The Black Album. This sounds like doom/thrash metal (I know, weird right?).
I like it too. Or, rather, I should say that I don't hate it (I hate Load, Reload, and St. Anger). It sounds like half thrash/groove metal to me, and it's decent for what it is (groove metal isn't exactly my favorite genre).