converter time


Sep 21, 2006
so im re-hauling everything i have

im switching to pci-e based interface, and all external pre's and converters

so which route should i go with converters?

RME, LYNX, or ______?

I plan on ADAT being my main format for transfer, considering most of the RME solutions are ADAT based.
SSL-Alphalink seems to have really good reputation on Gearslutz. Other than that i think Lynx is a safe way to go. But SSl have a pure adat interface with 24?? I/O through adat (there are madi, aes interfaces to) so check them out!!!

This monster includes the apogee big-ben clock, and realy pisses on everything else.

Simply put the adat outs in your rme fireface 800 and clock the rme with the apogee.
SSL-Alphalink seems to have really good reputation on Gearslutz. Other than that i think Lynx is a safe way to go. But SSl have a pure adat interface with 24?? I/O through adat (there are madi, aes interfaces to) so check them out!!!

No adat but MADI;)
And of course you can pair SSL alphalink with RME Madi converter or euphonix (like Mr Wagener:D).

Joey: you come from digi 192 so go with SSL alphalink, Apogee ADX, Aurora or Mytek. At your level only trust your ears so rent studio for a listen or call dealer for same purpose...

Just my 2cents...
We have the Aurora 16 on the studio i work on and to be honest, it is NOT a big difference from the FF800 converters. The Hedd192 we got there has far superior conversion (but it is just a stereo unit).
Don't buy into the hype, and don't make a decision based on what's said on Gearslutz! Arrange a shootout if possible.

FWIW, I'm extremely happy with the converters on my FF800 and feel no need to upgrade.
Don't buy into the hype, and don't make a decision based on what's said on Gearslutz! Arrange a shootout if possible.

FWIW, I'm extremely happy with the converters on my FF800 and feel no need to upgrade.


3 years ago I was working with a big A list producer and he did a "converter shootout". He had me setup a blind test between 192s/AD16x/Lavry Blue/Prism converters. Did variations of tracking/outputting/transferring. Long story short, he could never consistently pick which converter he liked better (or which was which).

So here's my advice and take it with a grain of salt....

Get the converter that has the right amount of I/O you need vs. the price. At the end of the day, adding 2db more top end to your snare track will have a greater effect on your final product, then whether you tracked it through an RME or an APOGEE. ESPECIALLY if you already have a great clock (which is a whole other can of worms I won't open), you won't be having any issues with intersample variations or any of that crazy shit.

As for personal preference, I like the AD16x/DA16x line for a simple reason that isn't advertised very well...

an AD16x has 16 ANALOG ins and 16 DIGITAL OUTS. So for example you buy an ad16x and an da16x, you get 16i/o analog AND 16 i/o DIGITAL all at the same time. Especially with the AES/ADAT/SPDIF inputs it gives you alot of options.

But they are expensive.
i used the ssl alpha link converters today and they seemed really good. certaintly value wise
At the level of apogee/prism/lavry/ssl/192s , i cant really tell much difference.
Yeah the problem is you can't do a convertor shoot out with one mono track. You need to make an album on it and really use the shit out of it... Like reamp vst through pre so they have to go back through convertor.
Why don't you take a song you know well and send it out and back in 40 or 50 times. Believe me after that many trips you will hear the difference. :D
I have the Apogee Rosetta 800 and I think the converters are great personally. I only have a stock 002 and Black Lion Audio modded 002 to compare. I also had a Big Ben for a bit and those are really supposed to go good with the Rosetta 800. My Big Ben was fucked up though (bought it used) and I sent it back and got my money back and bought some guitar amps. I think I will get another Big Ben when i switch to a new interface and have more converters and digital stuff to use it with. If you do go with the Rosetta 800 let me know because you need a Bnc-T wordclock conector and a 75 ohm resistor for one end of the T to make it unterminated (on the rosetta) when you hook up the Big Ben. I have a bunch extra as they only came in 10 packs and i only needed one and i could mail for free.

So yea Rosetta 800 is a good buy for converters as well.
I've been tracking through a RADAR system a lot and things always seem to come up quite pristine through it. The studio has a couple of Auroras and Rosettas in reserve that never see use.

At home I use the ADI-8 with no major qualms (yet). I'm struggling to believe the huge price tag is warranted on the 'top' converters, but really I won't know for sure until I do a direct shoot-out. I've heard them all in varying settings, but it's never a good way to form an objective opinion.