Convict thread

I raped some black kids that I saw one day when I drove past in my truck. I was arrested but never sentenced, because Samuel L. Jackson killed me in the court house, despite Matthew McConaughey defending him (with Sandra Bullock's quirky help) to the best of his open-minded, supportin' 'dem blacks ability.
Very much so. SR-22 is two years shorter, fine is less etc. They still required an alcohol assessment in which I passed and had to take an 8 hour class (Alcohol/Drug Information School). Oh and my license was only suspended for 30 days, instead of 90.

My lawyer was trying to get me to do a deferred prosecution but I didn't want to, even though the DA was a fat bitch and the judge's daughter had recently died in a DUI crash. I got 24 hours in jail and I think a $1,000 fine. I had the 24 hours as time spent so I didn't have to go back.

I'll tell you though, it was only 24 hours but it's a 24 hours I'll never spend in jail again. I lived and learned from that shit.
I raped some black kids that I saw one day when I drove past in my truck. I was arrested but never sentenced, because Samuel L. Jackson killed me in the court house, despite Matthew McConaughey defending him (with Sandra Bullock's quirky help) to the best of his open-minded, supportin' 'dem blacks ability.

i just lol'd in my pants :lol:
i have an interesting story about my drummer...

me and my guitarist show up at his house and he wasn't there so we start asking around and nobody knew where he was. finally we got a hold of his family and it turned out he was in jail in south carolina for a DUI. he spent like 3 days in jail down there and had his license suspended for 2 months
i have an interesting story about my drummer...

me and my guitarist show up at his house and he wasn't there so we start asking around and nobody knew where he was. finally we got a hold of his family and it turned out he was in jail in south carolina for a DUI. he spent like 3 days in jail down there and had his license suspended for 2 months

Wow. :lol:

There was some dude from Montana in the court when I was. He was on his 4th DUI or something, in which he blew over a 2.0. I blew a .13 (threshold between Reckless and DUI is generally .15, which is why I got a reckless) and the state's legal limit is .08.
Funny how DUI is seen as a non serious crime when it's far more deadly than anything in it's "class". No offense to you though, seph.

The laws have changed quite a bit due to the higher rates of DUIs in Washington state. They are alot more strict than they were when I got my DUI.

I got lucky that I was in Buckley (a small town) and there wasn't anybody outside, even though I got pulled over coming out of the parking lot. I got pulled over because I only had my parking lights on when I was backing out of my parking space. This is something I do sober because I don't like to blind people on the street when I'm just in a parking lot.

I have friends that are on their second and third DUIs and they've been through harsher sentences including interlock devices in their vehicles and work permits which only allow them to drive between certain times of the day.
It's a good thing that they're making it harder for people with repeat offenses. I'm a bigtime liberal when it comes to laws and all but I still think Sweden lacks that. We have absolute fucking morons with 60-70 DUI's still having a licence. That's just pathetic really.
We have absolute fucking morons with 60-70 DUI's still having a licence. That's just pathetic really.

I can understand a "warning" sentence; a taste of what is to come for repeated offenses but I think the concept of repeating offenders getting more harsh sentences is crucial. Seriously, if a person is too fucking stupid to not learn from the first mistake then they deserve to get the maximum penalty of $5,000 fine and 1 year in jail.
I can understand a "warning" sentence; a taste of what is to come for repeated offenses but I think the concept of repeating offenders getting more harsh sentences is crucial. Seriously, if a person is too fucking stupid to not learn from the first mistake then they deserve to get the maximum penalty of $5,000 fine and 1 year in jail.

To me it's really the essence of correction in both a liberal and harsh society. There's no use in throwing people in jail immediately at a young age but after too many repetitions there's no use giving them another chance.
I can understand a "warning" sentence; a taste of what is to come for repeated offenses but I think the concept of repeating offenders getting more harsh sentences is crucial. Seriously, if a person is too fucking stupid to not learn from the first mistake then they deserve to get the maximum penalty of $5,000 fine and 1 year in jail.

True, a slap on the wrist for repeated offenses is nonsense.
Our school was playing assassins (if you dont know what that is, you should kill yourself)
but anyway, we were driving looking for our next kill. My dipshit friend was driving, the less of a dipshit friend was in the back drivers side, and I was in the passenger seat.
Less dipshit friend put a HUGE watergun out the window and just sprayed a couple times. When I car was coming towards us he sprayed them. We then noticed that the guy had turned around and was coming after us. Of course my dipshit friend being the dipshit that he is, wasnt able to drive like a normal person.
The guy pulled up next to us right in the middle of a busy street and showed us his security guard badge, it was funny. So Dipshit started driving again, unable to lose the guy. (any normal person could have gotten away, but not dipshit)
We ended up pulling into Steak N' Shake and parking.
Now Steak N' Shake is right next to Jerome (where I just moved to actually) and they have their own police force. Cops are always at Steak N' Shake late at night.
The guy went and got the cops and said that he had been sprayed in the face with the watergun, his window was down about 2 inches tops. and he wasnt wet at all!
Yet the cops were still dickheads to us and arrested us. Oh and there were six cops there. Two Jerome, one Leland Grove (small subdivision), two state cops and a Springfield cop.
After sitting in jail my friends parents came and got them. I for some odd reason was still there after calling my dad 3 hours earlier. The station had told my dad that I wasnt there. So I didnt get out of there until 1am. school the next day, fuck stupid ass cops.
Good times though.