Convict thread

Did a week in county jail in Seattle for a DUI. I would have not had to go if I would have shown up for court dates. Instead I managed to have 14 warrants hanging over my head when I decided to get lippy with base security. People in county are funny. They think they're doing hard time when they're in there for bullshit petty stuff.
never been to jail or arrested, but I was very close to, one day, when I first moved to the states, and went bar hoppin' with a friend in DC
and we got so wasted, that on our way home I told him to stop the car because I needed to puke, so he stops the car, and so it happened to be right near the pentagon,
and I found myself puking on the pentagon's lawn right by the road, and a police car started coming towards us immediately, and we started speeding to get away...
what a dumb thing to do... we are lucky we didn't get caught... the driver was definitely drunk, and we were escaping from da police.

Never again. Seriously.
Yeah, you puke on the lawn of the Pentagon, and here comes the cops. I pet george w. bush's dog in '03 during a class trip to D.C. and the security guy, secret service member... idk, whatever, just gives me a funny look and i back off. i probably should've been shot on the spot
Yeah, you puke on the lawn of the Pentagon, and here comes the cops. I pet george w. bush's dog in '03 during a class trip to D.C. and the security guy, secret service member... idk, whatever, just gives me a funny look and i back off. i probably should've been shot on the spot

if you would of kicked the presidents dog, that would of been epic.
The Russian Secret Service used to shoot people near the Kremlin just for having cameras on them. It was pretty much an "ask questions later, we can just deny everything and blame the West" situation.
never been to jail or arrested, but I was very close to, one day, when I first moved to the states, and went bar hoppin' with a friend in DC
and we got so wasted, that on our way home I told him to stop the car because I needed to puke, so he stops the car, and so it happened to be right near the pentagon,
and I found myself puking on the pentagon's lawn right by the road, and a police car started coming towards us immediately, and we started speeding to get away...
what a dumb thing to do... we are lucky we didn't get caught... the driver was definitely drunk, and we were escaping from da police.

Never again. Seriously.

The Russian Secret Service used to shoot people near the Kremlin just for having cameras on them. It was pretty much an "ask questions later, we can just deny everything and blame the West" situation.

In Lenin's tomb you're not allowed to stop walking when you move past the display, and you can't have you're hands in your pockets either... which I only found out when an angry Russian soldier shouted something and pointed at my pockets with his gun :lol:
Problem was, that the day of the Lenin's Tomb visit was also the day after New Years Eve, I felt so sick during that trip, I was so worried about accidentally throwing up on Lenin or something :lol: