living was like inthe 50's

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You missed how you could date a girl without being arrested for "Date Rape".
You missed how you could chat up and tease the girls at work and date them and marry them. Now you get fired for sexual harrassment.
You missed how men were respected and not made a subject of amusement for women to laugh at - (see some of the ads on TV)
You missed how most women married and had babies and there was MUCH less divorce.
You missed how it was a disgrace for a girl to get pregnant before she was married and how society shunned her and the man if they didn't marry.
You missed how we could takes girls to the cinema and for a meal and kiss, cuddle and play in the back seat of a car without being arrested for rape.
You missed how MEN were expected to earn the bread, rather than women.
You missed how if a man was attcked he could defend himself without being thrown into jail.
No wonder we have Homosexual men and women - just now, people will be able to have members of the same sex arrested for date Rape or Sexual Harrassment. I wonder what they'll do then, maybe castrate everyone at birth.
Paedolphilia is rife in Saudi Arabia, so is incest, young women and children kill themselves daily. Who gives a shit about them as long as we can bomb Iraq and Afghanistan back to the Stoneage for their oil and a pipeline.
You missed how we were taught to be careful on the roads and not to play in the road and to watch out for cars, motorcycles and bicycles - today, the motorists have to look out for rowdy undisciplined kids.
You missed how if we misbehaved at school were were taken into the Principal's office and caned.
You missed how you could go away on holiday and not even lock your door.
You missed how there was very little crime.
You missed how there were no drugs around.
You missed how the US kept it's nose out of other countries business.
You missed how Black Africa was under White Rule and stayed there rather than infesting the rest of the world with crime.