Convict thread

Never been arrested, but I've had plenty of run ins with the police, some hilarious like Krig's... maybe when I'm not too lazy I'll share a few.

Oh yeah, here's one:

When I was like 17, after a big fight with an ex in her house I told the bitch she was so dumb that I should just kill myself to stop the bullshit and stormed out, I said it only to make her feel bad (when in reality I had 3 grams I was about to go smoke to cool off) and the fucking cow called the cops and said she was worried I was gonna actually commit suicide. So I'm walking home and my sister runs up to me and tells me the cops are are their way (in Canada if you threaten suicide they have to take you in for a psychiatric evaluation) so whatever I stuff the 3 g's into my sock and just walk around waiting... so I'm going down the street and 2 cruisers pull up to me, the cop was all serious and I was laughing and telling him I WAS FUCKING KIDDING but he didn't care. Him and his my pals partner drove me all the way downtown to the hospital, escorted me into the room, I waited for some fag to come in. 5 mins later he lets me go. I just cracked jokes with him and told him what happened and he scolded them cops I think just out of earshot. Then I went home and got high as a motherfucker.

tl;dr: Don't guilt trip crazy bitches, just fuck their best friend and tell them you used them for sex the past 2 weeks instead.
Never been arrested, but I've had plenty of run ins with the police, some hilarious like Krig's... maybe when I'm not too lazy I'll share a few.

Oh yeah, here's one:

When I was like 17, after a big fight with an ex in her house I told the bitch she was so dumb that I should just kill myself to stop the bullshit and stormed out, I said it only to make her feel bad (when in reality I had 3 grams I was about to go smoke to cool off) and the fucking cow called the cops and said she was worried I was gonna actually commit suicide. So I'm walking home and my sister runs up to me and tells me the cops are are their way (in Canada if you threaten suicide they have to take you in for a psychiatric evaluation) so whatever I stuff the 3 g's into my sock and just walk around waiting... so I'm going down the street and 2 cruisers pull up to me, the cop was all serious and I was laughing and telling him I WAS FUCKING KIDDING but he didn't care. Him and his my pals partner drove me all the way downtown to the hospital, escorted me into the room, I waited for some fag to come in. 5 mins later he lets me go. I just cracked jokes with him and told him what happened and he scolded them cops I think just out of earshot. Then I went home and got high as a motherfucker.

tl;dr: Don't guilt trip crazy bitches, just fuck their best friend and tell them you used them for sex the past 2 weeks instead.

close one :erk: good thing they didn't seach you, if they really believed you were suicidal and checked you for knives or something to prevent you from harming yourself and they found the drugs
close one :erk: good thing they didn't seach you, if they really believed you were suicidal and checked you for knives or something to prevent you from harming yourself and they found the drugs

They did check my jeans pockets but I didn't have anything, plus in Canada they don't care, if they found my weed they would have just confiscated it... if they wanted to be uber dicks they could have charged me with possession which is like a misdemeanor and maybe fined me. You can't really go to jail in Canada for having weed unless it's a big amount or all dimed up for dealing.
They did check my jeans pockets but I didn't have anything, plus in Canada they don't care, if they found my weed they would have just confiscated it... if they wanted to be uber dicks they could have charged me with possession which is like a misdemeanor and maybe fined me. You can't really go to jail in Canada for having weed unless it's a big amount or all dimed up for dealing.

*moves to canada*
It was de-criminalized at one point and you could carry under 27 grams as long as it wasn't dimed out (but the penalty for dealing, or being caught with weed/scales/gram wrapped bag went waaaaaaay up) but I think we eliminated that. People smoke out in public all the time too, in Montreal especially people smoke joints just like cigarettes on the street. Cops don't really care. But I quit smoking weed over 2 years ago so meh.
It was de-criminalized at one point and you could carry under 27 grams as long as it wasn't dimed out (but the penalty for dealing, or being caught with weed/scales/gram wrapped bag went waaaaaaay up) but I think we eliminated that. People smoke out in public all the time too, in Montreal especially people smoke joints just like cigarettes on the street. Cops don't really care. But I quit smoking weed over 2 years ago so meh.

i also had to quit due to my job, we get pissed tested at random. I do miss it, i would rather smoke then drink.
i also had to quit due to my job, we get pissed tested at random. I do miss it, i would rather smoke then drink.

Yeah, I just quit after 4 years of terrible addiction :lol: But forget what I said about weed, I forgot the conservatives are in power now...

In October 2007, Prime Minister Harper announced a new National Anti-Drug Strategy. A proposed Bill would have dealers facing one-year mandatory prison sentences if they’re operating for organized crime purposes, or if violence is involved. Dealers would also face a two-year mandatory jail sentence if they’re selling to youth, or dealing drugs near a school or an area normally frequented by youth. Additionally, people in Canada who run a large marijuana grow operation of at least 500 plants would risk facing a mandatory two-year jail term. Maximum penalties for producing cannabis would increase from 7 to 14 years.[28]

Perhaps the biggest proposed policy change is mandatory six-month sentencing for those growing as little as one marijuana plant for the purposes of trafficking. If the Bill passes, this is certain to be felt by small-time distributors who are not linked to the ring of organized crime, and who usually face no more than a fine if caught.[29]

Currently the Conservative Government holds a minority in Parliament, so the Bill would require support of at least one other political party before it can become law. Previous attempts by past Liberal Governments in the late 1990s and early 2000s to decriminalize marijuana for personal use have failed to become law - this is a distinct policy contrast from the current minority Conservatives who aspire to a more US-style 'War on Drugs'.[30]


I'm more sold by the free health care in Canada than anything.

Don't be so quick, our healthcare USED to pwn, now it's getting pretty bad thanks to our new conservative government. CUT TAXES, PRIVATIZE HEALTHCARE, BAN ABORTION, NO GAY MARRIAGE... godamn pieces of shit.

I guess if you don't have ANYTHING though, Canadian healthcare is still an improvement.
Spent 3 day's at Guantanamo bay for bringing a camel, a car battery, and a grape jelly into a movie theater. Didn't eat the cock meat sandwich, but tried the lo mein. Joe, my car key's are still somewhere in Montreal along with my friend's coat, and that kid with the busted dome piece. Ever find them?
Spent 3 day's at Guantanamo bay for bringing a camel, a car battery, and a grape jelly into a movie theater. Didn't eat the cock meat sandwich, but tried the lo mein. Joe, my car key's are still somewhere in Montreal along with my friend's coat, and that kid with the busted dome piece. Ever find them?

I just got back from Montreal at 3am :lol: But yeah man your keys were in some tranny's ass in the gay village, dunno what happened to your coat though, :\
I just got back from Montreal at 3am :lol: But yeah man your keys were in some tranny's ass in the gay village, dunno what happened to your coat though, :

So what where you doing looking around a tranny's ass in a gay village then?
*moves to canada*
It's just like that in some states in the US too. The ones you've lived in though, Wyoming and Texas, are definitely NOT haha.

But in Washington, California, Oregon (I think) and some others it's a lot more tolerated, and some states allow medical marijuana and even have weed shops that sell all different sorts of weed strains to patients. Here in Washington it's a lowest priority issue for the police, meaning just about what HN said would happen in you got caught with a small amount on your person. If you get busted with an 1/8 in your pocket or car (assuming you're not baked when you get pulled over), chances are if you get a cool cop and you're cool to him, and not causing any trouble they'll just drop it down a storm drain right in front of you let you go.
It's just like that in some states in the US too. The ones you've lived in though, Wyoming and Texas, are definitely NOT haha.

But in Washington, California, Oregon (I think) and some others it's a lot more tolerated, and some states allow medical marijuana and even have weed shops that sell all different sorts of weed strains to patients. Here in Washington it's a lowest priority issue for the police, meaning just about what HN said would happen in you got caught with a small amount on your person. If you get busted with an 1/8 in your pocket or car (assuming you're not baked when you get pulled over), chances are if you get a cool cop and you're cool to him, and not causing any trouble they'll just drop it down a storm drain right in front of you let you go.

that reminds me, we were at Jackson, Wyoming for a snowboarding friend had a pipe on him and i had no clue..i guess someone could smell it when we ate at wendy's...anyway walking back from wendy's to the hotel room a cop pulled up behind us on the side of the road...asked us if we were at the Wendy's...I said yes....then he asked if he could search us "didn't have anything on me, didn't know anyone of my friends had something" so i said sure, go ahead. Searched me, found nothin, searched my friends, found nothing. Then all the sudden the cop finds a pipe laying underneath the cop car...i was like "wtf". He asked who's it was...didn't say it was mine..the cop kept questioning me like it was mine.. "he asked me prior when he was searching me why i was so skinny" (Meth is a big problem in Wyoming). I said it wasn't mine, i wasn't gonna rat out my friend....then my friend finally said it was his...there was even some weed in the pipe. The guy just took it and let us go....just like that. they said they would bring a search dog up and down that road to see if we ditched anything, but they were mainly looking for Meth, they could care less about weed obviously.

that was the only time i have had any type of run-in with the law.
that reminds me, we were at Jackson, Wyoming for a snowboarding friend had a pipe on him and i had no clue..i guess someone could smell it when we ate at wendy's...anyway walking back from wendy's to the hotel room a cop pulled up behind us on the side of the road...asked us if we were at the Wendy's...I said yes....then he asked if he could search us "didn't have anything on me, didn't know anyone of my friends had something" so i said sure, go ahead. Searched me, found nothin, searched my friends, found nothing. Then all the sudden the cop finds a pipe laying underneath the cop car...i was like "wtf". He asked who's it was...didn't say it was mine..the cop kept questioning me like it was mine.. "he asked me prior when he was searching me why i was so skinny" (Meth is a big problem in Wyoming). I said it wasn't mine, i wasn't gonna rat out my friend....then my friend finally said it was his...there was even some weed in the pipe. The guy just took it and let us go....just like that. they said they would bring a search dog up and down that road to see if we ditched anything, but they were mainly looking for Meth, they could care less about weed obviously.

that was the only time i have had any type of run-in with the law.
Wow the first half of that story is really fucking lame. Was it mainly old people at Wendys? haha. That's just completely ridiculous that someone would be so offended by the smell of a pipe that they'd actually report it.

But then again, aside from meth (which the person who smelled pipe probably assumed you also had) I don't imagine there's a whole lot of larger problems for the cops in Wyoming to deal with haha.