Convict thread

If they have probable cause like you're acting weird, or they smell drugs, or see it in plain view, they don't need consent. The more you know.
I wonder if the litigation society you have over there makes officers worried about searching people incase nothing turns up?
No, it's nearly impossible to sue individual officers, you have to sue the department, and they have good lawyers.
I wondered. I suppose it's also easy enough to say "Well, my years of experience lead me to believe they had drugs, but alas they didn't". Average Joe Judge would say "Better safe than sorry, Officer. NEXT!".
I had the most bizarre thing happen to me a couple of years ago.

I was driving down Sunset Blvd in San Francisco with a couple of girls in the car one afternoon, with a brakelight out. Piercing through whatever goddamn tune was playing came the quick stuttered siren of a cop car, instantly killing whatever buzz these broads had me on. Pull over to the side of the road, they said. And I did.

The cop came out, took a look in my car--not at me, of course--and asked me if I knew why he pulled me over. The brakelight? Bingo. "But it's a shame one of these girls wasn't driving, cause, you know, we can't give a ticket to a cute girl." I knew that. But I wondered why he felt the urge to tell me.

"You know, we usually don't like pulling people over for things like this, cause we know it's you guys that pay our salary."

I was in the twilight zone. These cops were speaking aloud every thought that Joe T. Outlaw had ever thought in their own brain about those fucking daytime beat cops. All I could do was smile, nod, and shoot some sort of awkward breeze with my possible day-ruining municipal budget check writers.

"Oh, it looks like he's writing a ticket back there." There goes my idealistic dream of being pulled over by heartened bullshitter police swagglers. I sat there, and turning the stereo on to minimum volume. The girls giggled uncomfortably for my liking, but that was all, though that ain't much. Then Cop Swagger came back and told us we were free to go.

It was the most surreal cop experience of my life. Maybe it was the girls? Maybe they didn't want to deal with it? Either way, I found out that the police know exactly what they're doing. If they're not fucking you, they're fucking with you.

So fuck em. Tel Aviv if they catch you with weed and the amount you have on you is small (i.e. 'personal use') they take it away and that's it...
If you have double that amount: they give you a ticket and take it away,
and if you have a dealer amount they take it away and give you a court date (which usually is BS and you get away from it)
never having weed on you results in jail...

Now harder drugs: that's a different story...
I got arrested for reciprocated assault once, handcuffs and all. Guy drew a firearm in the bar where I used to work. Gave me a few punches, so I socked him one back and then kicked him in the ribs and face when he was down. Had to go to court over it, but when they saw the cops' reports and the statement of the other guy and myself, they let me go after two minutes. The other guy couldn't go just yet :p

never having weed on you results in jail...
Wow, that's harsh. :lol:
We have different types of police here...there's the Carabinieri, which are kind of a paramilitary police unit. As long as you're not doing twice the speed limit drunk as a skunk, they usually don't fuck with you. They're more interested in human trafficking and drug smuggling than a dimebag of weed or having drunk a few beers.

Then you have the regular Stradale Polizia, which is kinda like the State Police in the US. They can be fucking pricks, but rarely do they fuck with you.

Then you have the biggest douchebags of all: Polizia Municipale...the little town cops. These guys are just one step above a security guard and aren't really police but are given the right to pull you over for speeding or to check your license. These are some sneaky fucks that everyone completely hates. In fact, they abuse their power so much, they had to transfer one of their troublemaking policemen far away from here because one person got tired of his shit and beat him up so badly that he was afraid to go back to work. Broke both his legs and some ribs and his nose or something. He fucking deserved it, though...doing shit like pulling you over for doing X in an X speed zone, yet you weren't really going that fast.

Here, it's illegal for the police to pull you over like they do in the states. They can't come up behind you with flashing lights and pull you's against the law for them to do it. Usually they're parked somewhere with the little red lollipop as we call it, which is a little sign they use to point at traffic and pull them over. The only way a policeman can pull you over is if he stands in the middle of the road and waves for you to pull over, which is a lot better than having to worry about some cop hiding from you then coming after you...but then again, these fuckers can hide from plain view and then just as you get to them you see them and they pull you over. Usually it's just to check you have a license or you aren't drunk. If you don't obey their signal to pull over, the Carabinieri have the right to shoot at you. They never will, as they would probably be fired for doing so and endangering other people.
I understand the deal with those local cops. Sweden has a lot of security guards in clubs and subways and such. Pretty all of them are drugged up muscleheads who couldn't become real cops and pretty much lacks any form of iq. They generally fuck with you for just about anything, and in this lovely country they have the law on their side every time they beat people up.
I think what he means, and he's pretty on point here, is that America has too many fucking nutjobs and too many fucking guns for them to use.

Kriggy, of course, is excepted because he's a special kind of nutjob.
Something to that effect, yeah. Guess I should be aware of the amount of people that will likely flame me but it's not exactly the same thing as a accusing someone's favourite video game of being deadly.