Cool Reviews of The Empires

Review from Classic Rock Magazine(July 2005) :)

The Empires Of
The Worlds
Awe-Inspiring power metal
from London.

Yes at long last a British Power Metal
Band capable of competing with the best
Scandinavia has to offer.
This is Biomechanical’s second album,
but their first to get a proper nationwide
release. There are hints of Queensryche,
Priest and Dream Theatre here – a few
Dimebag-style power grooves too – but
on tracks like Assaulter and Enemy Within
this London fivesome hammer out a
jaw-dropping sonic template all of their own.
Guitarists Chris Webb and Jamie Hunt are a
dazzling partnership, trading warp-speed shred
solos with a fluidity that recalls Dream Theatre
widdler John Petrucci. With their Screeching
avant-metal bombast, staggering instrumental
virtuosity, and super-cool HR Giger-inspired
artwork. Biomechanical are simply a phenomenal
band who deserve your immediate attention.

Karl Stephens
Reviw From Kerrang (Issue No 1059 June 04 2005)

The Empires Of The Worlds

Devastating Debut From Brtitish

IF YOU thought power metal, was
all about dragons and baby-lotioned
musclemen like Manowar’s Joey DeMaio,
then check out Biomechanical.
While there are a lot of bands these days
mixing blastbeat-heaviosity with classic
metal riffs, Biomechanical go far beyond
The odd Iron Maiden melody flavoured
by so many, instead going the whole hog
for full on heavy metal accuracy.
Singer John K’s supurb wails are
shockingly true to ‘Painkiller’-era Rob
Halford, while the riffs and keyboards
switch seamlessly between classic metal-isms
and full on weighty brutality to awesome effect.

Download: ‘Long Time Dead’
For fans of: Iced Earth Pantera

Nick Ruskell
9/10 Review from Rock Sound Magazine.

'Regenerated' is also on the cover mount CD :)

Ever wondered what would happen if Strapping Young Lad build a time machine and went back to jam with Metallica when they were young and full of fire? Well wonder no more my friends, for London mentalists Biomechanical have the answer. Fusing SYL's love of vocal dynamics with brutal twin guitars, concrete heavy drumming and touches of Dimmu Borgir's lavish synths, they are going to be your new favourite band. Opener 'Enemy Within' kicks out viciously, while 'The Empires of the Worlds is a sheer landslide.
'Long time Dead' falls on to ballad territory (in the Pantera sense of the word), with soaring falsetto vocals running rampage, the edges seemingly cut from the cloth of Faith no More at their most heartfelt and sinister. Check out the monolithic stomping riff of 'Existenz' or the cinematic sweep of 'Absolution (Part 1: Final Offence)' if you need any more conviction.
Get into this.

10/10 From Heavy-Oder-Was Magazine:Spin:
