Cool things best friends do for you.

I've never had a friend cool like that, I'm always going out of my way and giving a lot of myself to others, and they repay me with bitterness.

The most a "friend" ever did for me was put a knife to my throat. Litterally.
Originally posted by ZirnaLuna
The coolest thing my best friend has done for me? Hmm... I'd have to say: He doesn't pretend to be paying attention to me. He doesn't pretend to care about what I have to say. He has never intentionally hurt me... as so many others have.

Two of my friends are like that. My best friend goes to a different school and the two guys I hang out with at my school, we have an understanding. We don't really care about what the others have to say, we don't buy each other gifts or ask what's wrong. Sometimes I think it's easier that way. But it's nice to have someone looking after you.

Belial: :eek: I hope you came out of it alright.
Cool things my best friends do for me is accepting
me as I am. Sure they think I'm a weirdo, but they
still respect me :eek:)

One of my best friends does alot of cool things
when it comes to music. She's a concertmaniac
just like me, and whenever a band I like finally
comes to play here in Norway I ask her to come
with me, and she says yes! And she doesn't like
metal at all! :eek:P

Of course I return the favour by going to some
crappy shows, but it's worth it, because I know
how much it means to her, and I know how good
it feels to not be alone at a gig >:eek:P

The best ting my closest friend ever did to me was
saying he loves me, and making me feel loved :eek:)