coolest little girl ever!!!

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Wrong. They were ROBBERS. That means CRIMINALS. People who BREAK LAWS. How is outlawing guns going to stop criminals from getting them? These guys were illegal immigrants. If they were able to sneak themselves into the country, why wouldn't they be able to sneak guns in?
Wrong because both sides are stupid in this matter.
What I meant was that in this case the illegal negro robbers wouldn't have a gun if the first victim didn't possess one, and I suppose he was a good american citizen at least. It would be a bit hard just to outlaw guns right away and expect the problems to go away but snargle snargle bloof I'm sick of this discussion.
Wrong because both sides are stupid in this matter.
What I meant was that in this case the illegal negro robbers wouldn't have a gun if the first victim didn't possess one, and I suppose he was a good american citizen at least. It would be a bit hard just to outlaw guns right away and expect the problems to go away but snargle snargle bloof I'm sick of this discussion.

Are you stupid?
^In theory, not being allowed to own guns would make this instance workout - but good luck enforcing that. Whatever is illegal is still attainable.

As mentioned, look at prohibition.
You're clearly stupid because he's speaking of this case in particular and if people weren't allowed to own guns, these robbers would not have been able to rob a gun from a prior victim. Dur.

Yeah? And what did they do to the guy they took the gun from, huh? Oh, that's right! They fucking stabbed him to death! And there's no way that the girl would have been in danger if they didn't have the gun, right? Right?

Regardless of where they got the gun, the girl was in danger. If they hadn't have found a gun on the first guy they murdered, they still would have broken into the girls home and threatened her life. And if they really wanted a gun, they'd have gotten on illegally anyway.

Oh, but shit... When something is illegal, it is impossible for criminals to obtain. I guess that's why no one ever buys drugs.

How do you know they would have done anything if the girl just stayed in her room and pretended she was asleep?

Because murderers are always so considerate, right? Do you hoenstly think that they would not have found her? When someones goes into a house to STEAL SHIT FROM IT, they check all the rooms. What's more, it's not as if she had surveillance monitors in her room. She probably (certainly) heard some noise in her house and went to check it out. And you're suggesting that she would have been better off hiding (and most likely being found) and letting these two guys rob her house? You think she was wrong to defend her home?

What a stupid fucking point to argue. What fucking reason is there to believe that the girl would not have been in danger if she had stayed in her room (none)? What reason is there to believe that they would have hurt here? Well, for starters, they were murderers.

God damn, you have to be fucking kidding.
You completely and utterly missed what every single person in this thread was saying because you're a blundering idiot not worth the shirt on your back. Accordingly, I'm just going to say that everything that you typed is a complete WASTE of time because it is entirely irrelevant to the conversation at hand and thus I have nothing substantive to respond to.
You completely and utterly missed what every single person in this thread was saying because you're a blundering idiot not worth the shirt on your back. Accordingly, I'm just going to say that everything that you typed is a complete WASTE of time because it is entirely irrelevant to the conversation at hand and thus I have nothing substantive to respond to.

Not really, no. You asked a stupid question and I responded to it. Sorry that you can't handle being wrong, but that's a problem you need to work out yourself.
Not really, no. You asked a stupid question and I responded to it. Sorry that you can't handle being wrong, but that's a problem you need to work out yourself.

So apparently your criteria for aptly responding to something is merely writing something down after quoting something. Interesting.

The fact is that you can't possibly know whether or not these people would have injured the girl at all, let alone known she was in the house. If you actually deny this point and boldly state that if she didn't shoot them then the criminals would have unquestionably not only found her because they OBVIOUSLY ALWAYS look inside every single room of every house they rob (which is in fact not true), but also killed her merely for being there, then you're just an idiot and there's really no possible way to carry the conversation any further because you're stating an objective fact where there isn't one. Such an incontrovertible assertion prevents any further dialogue from occurring.

On the other hand, the fact remains that, contextually speaking, fotmbm brought up a good point (and by contextually I mean IN THIS CASE for those of you who happen to be stupid). The fact is that they would not have had a gun (MOST LIKELY) if the prior victim wasn't allowed to own a gun, and in so far as that is true, this story is just as much in support of banning guns as it is in support of lax gun control.
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