coolest little girl ever!!!

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The fact is that you can't possibly know whether or not these people would have injured the girl at all, let alone known she was in the house. If you actually deny this point and boldly state that if she didn't shoot them then the criminals would have unquestionably not only found her because they OBVIOUSLY ALWAYS look inside every single room of every house they rob (which is in fact not true), but also killed her merely for being there, then you're just an idiot and there's really no possible way to carry the conversation any further because you're stating an objective fact where there isn't one. Such an incontrovertible assertion prevents any further dialogue from occurring.

On the other hand, the fact remains that, contextually speaking, fotmbm brought up a good point (and by contextually I mean IN THIS CASE for those of you who happen to be stupid). The fact is that they would not have had a gun (MOST LIKELY) if the prior victim wasn't allowed to own a gun, and in so far as that is true, this story is just as much in support of banning guns as it is in support of lax gun control.

The fact is that there was for more reason to believe that the girl was in immediate danger than to believe she was not. If you want to believe that two men who have already killed and who are entering a house with intent to rob it are not highly likely to harm an 11 year old girl, then you are clearly a naive halfwit.

They had already killed a man before. There is no reason whatsoever to believe that they would not have harmed the girl.

If they had the gun or not is irrelevant, since not having one sure as shit didn't stop them from killing before. Or did you forget that? Criminals robbing a house will cerainly check most, if not all, rooms in the house and will definetly check the bedrooms, seeing they are there to steal goods that they can sell. People keep valuable things in their rooms, so of course they would check there.
I'm sure you can easily enough look up some kind of statistic to the effect that burglars are drastically less likely to kill a little girl than they are a 50 year old man. But even that really isn't the point, so nevermind.
Even though I won't say her actions were justified, the mind of an 11 year old doesn't process things in the same way you or I would so I won't really hold her accountable as some kind of murderer.
Her actions were justified. The point is that you can't know that she would have been in danger if she didn't defend herself.
Her actions were justified. The point is that you can't know that she would have been in danger if she didn't defend herself.

Defend herself from what? The possibility of danger? That doesn't seem right to me. Either we assume the presence of the burglars in the house constitutes "danger", and therefore the defence would be justified, or we ask whether the burglars actually tried to harm her. I'd be in favor of the latter but as someone said, in an 11 year old, probably not a big deal. Just because someone enters your house to steal your stuff, doesn't mean they'd be prepared to go to the lengths of harming you.
I think, contextually, two men who break into and enter a house and charge up the stairs constitute a legitimate claim of feeling endangered for an 11 year old girl.
Contextually. The girl's state of mind might have been no different if the two men were electricians whom her parents had arranged to fix the upstairs wiring. It has less to do with self-defence and more to do with our concept of private property which regards anyone intruding upon it as hostile.
You fucking people. She's 11, she defended herself to the best of her ability and that's all there is to it. She didn't kill electricians, she killed robbers who invaded her home. Her parents would have told her if electricians were coming. Fuck, her parents should have been there in the first place. Quit making such a big fucking dramatic deal over stupid shit.
You fucking people. She's 11, she defended herself to the best of her ability and that's all there is to it. She didn't kill electricians, she killed robbers who invaded her home. Her parents would have told her if electricians were coming. Fuck, her parents should have been there in the first place. Quit making such a big fucking dramatic deal over stupid shit.

Well said, I agree, it's already happened, nothing we can do, and there's no point in making a big fuss about it
Contextually. The girl's state of mind might have been no different if the two men were electricians whom her parents had arranged to fix the upstairs wiring. It has less to do with self-defence and more to do with our concept of private property which regards anyone intruding upon it as hostile.

Storming into a house and running up a flight of stairs is 1) a key part of the context to take into consideration and 2) not something I've ever seen an electrician do.
Krig you sound like an acquaintance of mine who refuses to go anywhere without a firearm of some sort because he feels inadequate without one. But whatever floats your boat.
Krig you sound like an acquaintance of mine who refuses to go anywhere without a firearm of some sort because he feels inadequate without one. But whatever floats your boat.

Im in Illinois, we cant carry. Hell just today they are trying to take away our hicap mags. 10 rd limit. fuck that bullshit.

inadequate, how so?
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