As it is, heavy gun control in America would be a disaster. If gun culture/proliferation of weapons existed in the UK it would be a disaster too.
2 'alien' invaders steal a VCR. Homeowner reacts. Invaders die. Homeowner gets a medal.
85.000 'alien' invaders steal oil killing more than 500.000 civilians in the process. Homeowners react. Homeowners die. Invaders get medals.
America, fuck yeah.
er.. no, i don't... unless it was to twist this thread into an opportunity to to take swipes at me, because you managed to fit in some passive-aggressive knocks in your previous post, and for no good reason at all. downright snide and uncalled for actually.
MY posts... the ones in question... were not about guns.. the first one was, but that's NOT the one you engaged me on.. you engaged me on the issue of the validity of internet searches as the authoritative test for the truth of any given story... so get your arguments straight, "babe".
It's the scientific method applied to discourse and media, and that approach is certainly the best we've got for verifying a claim.
Fucking greatness!![]()
ya I would not agree on the second point either
James don't you have bands to be mixing / recording![]()
wtf? have you ever mixed a record? yeah.. not too hard to make some posts on a forum... hell i can mix, post, and watch Ren & Stimpy on netflix, all at once (well, edit anyway).
Busting balls man ... god your in a stinky mood today
What you working on anyway, or is it top secret?![]()
Not too sure where you see passive-aggressive behaviour in my prior post. Maybe it's because it's words on a screen and not my voice, I dunno.
nope, not wrong, clearly.... my own story proves that much. besides, i was referring to the internet in general, and you were referring to snopes in particular. two different things, especially when you consider that any given story has to have been investigated by snopes in the first place in order for snopes' existence on the net to have any authority in regard to it's veracity....that basically sums up why I think you're wrong when you say the internet is not an authoritative resource for truth.
because i liked it. then i discovered it was fake, which lad me to a true story (that is, if snopes is actually to be believed,I have to ask, why did you post the story in the first place?
Hey Jason ... don't you have some phone calls to be making?![]()
Thanks tonight when I get home man ....jeeze![]()
no, i was actually agreeing with cyro...but only because they don't have the culture of gun ownership that we've had here... if they suddenly had all the access we have, but without the experience... well, at the very least there'd be an undue amount of isolated tragedies.