I don't need presumptions mate... we've had this conversation a few times already. We both know each others stance on guns, and I think you know very well what my point was. Have a good day babe 

I don't need presumptions mate... we've had this conversation a few times already. We both know each others stance on guns, and I think you know very well what my point was. Have a good day babe![]()
You have a pistol in your house for protection, thats fine. You carry a gun why? Protection? If you are that paranoid you need to seek professional help.
Just my opinion.
85.000 'alien' invaders steal oil killing more than 500.000 civilians in the process. Homeowners react. Homeowners die. Invaders get medals.
America, fuck yeah.
No, and I don't claim to know better. But I've never even seen a weapon that can load live ammo, nor have I ever heard of a shooting (in defense or attack) within 20 miles of me. Can you say as much?
In a country full of weapons (obviously compaired to others) why not carry one?
you can't be fucking serious with this
So my example stands, its called "Look At My Big Dick Syndrome", if you can have it flaunt it right?
BP comes in and fucks up our countrys coatline .... hmmm just a matter of time before your on the shit list. Trust me![]()
As for the "stealing oil" example all I can do is LOL.
Hate America all you like, I live free, do what I want, and live a good life. We may hate our politicians and their actions, but we love the country we live in cause we have freedom. The freedom to have BIG DICK SYNDROME if we want, and no one can stop us![]()
I don´t hate america. I really think it´s amazing how the rednecks can´t see the contradiction in calling people who kill invaders "hero" or "terrorist insurgent" just based on the color of their skin.
guru... how can the guy who just said, "Politicians really need to realize stopping the layman from carrying / owning a firearm doesn't stop the criminals from having them", actually be arguing so hard against another guy that's basically agreeing with him. your beef with Cryo114's post seems grossly misdirected.