Coronavirus cases and deaths among UM members

our fake quarantine has been extended to may 15th. ugh.

i like how fauci went from claiming 250-300 thousand people in the US will die from the chinese virus about a week ago and then yesterday they said its going to be about 60k. Smh. a whole bunch of fishy stuff is going on.
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Here's another fishy thing, maybe my numbers really are total bullshit.


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Governor of Michigan ("Halfwhitmer" as Trump called her) apparently is banning all travel between homes, even among family and friends, right before Easter.
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Yeah. That also. But it's at least vaguely logical, the boating thing is not.

Also re: my above post apparently theres two different Dadax companies in the world and worldometers is owned by a US one that I really wish I had more information on.
Wow I should have screenshot yesterday because I swear to god it was 16. I just grabbed the first number off google.
Makes me wonder, if it could be that the first number off google was someone's twitter account.

And while an infection rate of 0.02% (based on 1,600,000 confirmed infections and a world population of 8,000,000,000) still seems very small, one has to bear in mind that we don't know the actual number of people who have already been infected by now and how many will be infected in the future. And even though certain groups of people are (far) more likely to die after an infection, it's not like everyone else is invulnerable. It's like some kind of huge Russian roulette, where certain people are more likely to get shot than others.

I really wish this was over as soon as possible, because I want (among other things) go to the cinema again and to attend concerts, but I also see that this is more serious than I thought it was just a few weeks ago, when I was just disappointed that my booked trip to Norway and the concerts I wanted to attend there got cancelled just a few days before my trip was about to start.
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We don't know the number of people infected/with antibodies, we don't know the true death toll, we don't know what would have happened if no deviation occurred in any country in terms of business as usual.

As if certain people and events hadn't disabused me of ancapism enough, this whole episode, in a variety of ways, certainly has.
Fucking bullshit fucking police state cunt just killed my partner's job and the entire marine industry in Michigan. No motorized watercraft on the great lakes anymore. I was all cool with a lot of this fag fucking cunt bitch whore fucking cocksucking retard melarchy but this makes zero fucking sense. How is a fucking sailboat a better social distancing vehicle than a motorized boat? Does this fucknut cock guzzling cunt realize how a sailboat works? Nevermind we can't buy gardening supplies anymore. Now we can't fish. Nope gotta just bend over and get rammed while being spoonfed soilent green on our fucking couch. My partner's business will probably go under. It was bad enough the marine shows were cancelled, now people who could still afford to buy can't use them and we can't take advantage of the walleye runs to fill our freezer. I cannot think of words to express my frustration stronger than fucking cocksucking fag thundercunt and would appreciate suggestions to alleviate this torment just a little.
No sailboats, swimming or any recreational activity allowed on the water or in national parks etc. here. The logic being that people regularly do dumb shit and need rescuing, and they don't want that contact occurring. But the difference is that the virus is almost completely contained here, so people can see our restrictions are worth the pain, and some of the restrictions will hopefully be lifted as soon as 20th April.

Today in our news there was a group of 3 with no mobile phones and no money who ran out of gas, though lucky for them they were passing through a town at the time.
And you're in finance? Better not let your boss see this one, lol

Oops did I have a number off? My bad here's the actual math

fwiw, there are 8 trillion on Earth, not 16 trillion

Wow I should have screenshot yesterday because I swear to god it was 16. I just grabbed the first number off google.

8 trillion?? 8 billion...

What the fuck is happening.......
I knew it as the 1918 influenza epidemic since the 1990s, and in fact that's what it's usually called in our National Library search results (mostly newspaper articles from the time). "Spanish influenza" returns about 10% as many results, "influenza pandemic" returns about 1% as many, and only a handful shorten it to "Spanish 'flu". I either studied it at school, or at least got my grandma to send me a letter about it so I had some random topic to write about at some point.