Coronavirus cases and deaths among UM members

I agree with that to some degree but headlines are made to get the reaction, social media is the proof they work. In most cases if you read the stories attached and they are from reputable media, not tabloid journalists they are making the distinction between convid only deaths and underlying illnesses.
That doesn't mean it is "just the flu".
of course not, but that also doesnt mean that all the people dying right now from underlying health conditions are dying because of this virus. Those numbers are without a doubt inflated and this virus is far less deadlier than than what most of the sheeple have been convinced it is. Same goes for the numbers they usually put out for the flu. If you're old and have health conditions(which most older people do), the chances of you dying are higher if you get sick and that is tied more to those specific health conditions and not the "big bad flu" or the boogeymen that have convinced most of the people who cant think for themselves that the world is at an end right now.

EDIT: and the testing numbers arent as important as you say since like i said the cause of death is most likely because of other illnesses and not the virus. Those numbers are just to scare people like you. Those numbers arent incorrect or made up as you say because enough people havent tested, they're incorrect because they have been inflated and are being used as a scare tactic for the herd.
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I'm just shocked at how many people I know who are usually the first to stand up for their rights are suddenly on board with totally safe activities being outlawed. It's not about waaaahhh I wanna do this or that, it's about wtf mate there is literally no virus transmission that can occur from activity x or y. Losing so much respect for old acquaintances. Gaining for others.

That being said the good ol mitten held a protest yesterday and it was so stupid and poorly done. They didnt effect the governor or her orders at all, just widened the divide. Idiots.
. Losing so much respect for old acquaintances. Gaining for others.
yea, same can be said for this place. Kind shows just how weak minded some people truly are. The funniest ones are the people who previously always tried to act like they werent a part of the herd and dont buy into everything that the government spoon feeds them but are probably now sitting in their living rooms in a hazmat suit. Pretty damn pathetic if you ask me.
So I’ve been bored off my ass from this whole thing. At work normally I’d drive up to a strip mall and get lunch every day but now because I have to jump through hoops to get anything and many places have limited menus I’ve been wandering off into the woods on walks.

here’s a big patch of ramps/wild leek I found at the edge of a river bottom


And I also found the skeleton of a pretty fuckin decent white tail buck that I assume some unlucky hunter shot but lost while tracking last year. I’ll put it in spoilers because well yeah. A shame all around really because on this property this deer was likely poached and left to rot in a broad thicket

of course not, but that also doesnt mean that all the people dying right now from underlying health conditions are dying because of this virus. Those numbers are without a doubt inflated and this virus is far less deadlier than than what most of the sheeple have been convinced it is. Same goes for the numbers they usually put out for the flu. If you're old and have health conditions(which most older people do), the chances of you dying are higher if you get sick and that is tied more to those specific health conditions and not the "big bad flu" or the boogeymen that have convinced most of the people who cant think for themselves that the world is at an end right now.

Yes, comorbidities and age put you at higher risk of death from non-novel viruses. That doesn't mean that this virus is a big nothing-burger. It also doesn't mean everyone needs to stay locked up forever or wear hazmat suits. Acting like it's NBD because some people are overreacting is just error in the other direction.

EDIT: and the testing numbers arent as important as you say since like i said the cause of death is most likely because of other illnesses and not the virus. Those numbers are just to scare people like you. Those numbers arent incorrect or made up as you say because enough people havent tested, they're incorrect because they have been inflated and are being used as a scare tactic for the herd.

Because we don't have adequate testing, deaths that were incorrectly attributed to the virus can just as likely be balanced out by other deaths not documented that were actually attributable to the virus. Furthermore, because of a lack of testing, we don't know how many people actually have had it with zero symptoms. The numbers likely are inflated both in terms of deadliness and virulence, but we literally can't prove that one way or the other. In some areas with more testing, they've found ~50% with antibodies, in other areas, only 13%. Potential impact is all over the place.

The point of the lockdowns was to slow spread while information is gathered about it. It could never be a longterm solution for many reasons, and was never to prevent people from ever being exposed to it. Many govs have gone overboard (specific states, the UK, etc), but that doesn't mean business as usual was the right response even if it turns out to be far less virulent/deadly than at first feared.
There could be something in banning boating activities. Victoria no boating for weeks and no boat related Covid deaths, New South Wales boating allowed and no Covid related boating deaths. Something seems to be working.

The biggest fuck up we have in this state is the remote schooling. The government was all gung ho about being the first to close schools, and how much they were saving our kids from certain death. So they put them on 3 week holiday and said they'd have a system for remote learning in place before the kids went back. They go back this week and nothing works. The Internet is slow, the government is relying of Goggledocs and gmail, the work the kids have been given my kids have finished before 9:30 and I've spent the last 2 days on the phone trying to talk the school through IT related problems because the IT bloke they have lives three hours away, can't travel because of his own kids, and can't offer fucking phone support.
Annoyance at stripping freedoms away aside, I'm just overcome with desires to somehow profit from this.
Catching SarsCov2 outside is relatively difficult due to dispersal.

Separate thing: People concerned about remote schooling overrate the quality of what kids get *in classroom*. I have multiple friends who are well meaning public school teachers and I hear nothing but what I consider horror stories. Public (and a lot of private) schooling is a hoax. It's a daycare to allow the wageslaving of the 2-income household, masquerading as something beneficial rather than insidious.

Edit: I should also note these well meaning teachers are already nearly burnt out after <5-10 years in, and looking for an out. The system is fucked, and that doesn't even mean the propoganda. Simply the bureaucratic bullshit and the passing on of kids who can't even hold their writing utensil correctly.
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Separate thing: People concerned about remote schooling overrate the quality of what kids get *in classroom*. I have multiple friends who are well meaning public school teachers and I hear nothing but what I consider horror stories. Public (and a lot of private) schooling is a hoax. It's a daycare to allow the wageslaving of the 2-income household, masquerading as something beneficial rather than insidious.

Edit: I should also note these well meaning teachers are already nearly burnt out after <5-10 years in, and looking for an out. The system is fucked, and that doesn't even mean the propoganda. Simply the bureaucratic bullshit and the passing on of kids who can't even hold their writing utensil correctly.

School must be different in America. Sure we joke with teachers about being glorified day care workers but schools here have changed over the last 25 years and finding the right school, public, private or Christian, makes a huge difference a kids life. No industry is free from shitty workers and the school system here is no different but the shit has a way of falling to the bottom and dying out within a few years, the good teachers start out good and end good.
The transition to online learning has been a fiasco. Participation started out high then the school district announced that the assignments posted online were not required and participation decreased. The expectation now is to maintain two-way communication with parents and students. Less than 25 days to go until summer vacation.
I feel for those coming to the end of their high school years, it's going to be a fucking shambles here. And now we've got one state premier claiming she wants to run school on a fucking roster system.
The transition to online learning has been a fiasco. Participation started out high then the school district announced that the assignments posted online were not required and participation decreased. The expectation now is to maintain two-way communication with parents and students. Less than 25 days to go until summer vacation.
Out of the 21 students my mom has only 3-4 of them are doing their assignments and from what it sounds like their parents arent even putting much effort into it either, but like you said the communications part seems to be the important thing now. It was a trip trying to see her run her class through a monitor with 15-20 other kids on screen.
not a fan of the school system out here in California, our kids are getting dumber and dumber and our the teachers keep asking for more money when they clearly dont deserve it. Yeah, lets give them a raise so they can keep drilling extreme leftist agendas into these kids heads while they haven even hit puberty yet. Private or homes schooling is the way to go out here.
It was a trip trying to see her run her class through a monitor with 15-20 other kids on screen.

Our school isn't even trying that shit because they know it's beyond their IT knowledge and beyond the capabilities of the internet if all schools tried to do it. Some of the private Christian schools are making their kids log on at 9am and stay online until 3:30pm. But from what I've heard none of the government schools are and as long as parents send a file of the work in everyday they assume that the kid has 'attended' school.