Coronavirus cases and deaths among UM members

I’m only doing online lessons with my sixth form A Level classes as they are small so it’s easy to manage. They’ve also chosen to study maths at this level so they’re much more willing to put in the effort. I couldn’t imagine running one with 30 students! The other classes I’ve been setting work for, usually online that marks itself and then I’m checking that they’re doing it. I’m available throughout the day and I often get messages from them asking how to do specific questions. Through Microsoft Teams I am able to see assignment that they can submit and I can mark and leave feedback, which I plan on doing after the Easter Holidays are over. It’s a nightmare honestly, it would be much easier to actually be in school.

What people who think schools should reopen don’t consider is that if you have numerous staff off because they’ve got the virus or they are high risk, it becomes impossible to run the school on a day to day basis. I work at a large school of around 1200 students and almost 100 teachers. Before we were closed by the government, we had around 11 members of staff off. We had to start by saying to certain Year groups they would no be able to come to school because it was the only way we could deal with staff being off. So for the final few days we actually only had Year 7, 10 and 12 in school, which is less than half of the year groups.
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Teacher of my youngest says she's only available to be contacted during lunch hour. Thank fuck my kids don't need help.

In this country high risk might be an issue to some and teachers do have the right to stay home, but the count is low and dropping by the day. People aren't being complacent in suggesting they want kids back at school. Teachers aren't being complacent in suggesting they want to be back. Many of the teachers here have weighed up the odds, know the precautions they can take and are willing to do so to get the kids back in class. But the government says no...well one government says no, one says yes. It's a fucking balls up of a system.
Teacher's unions are nothing more than a left-wing voting bloc scam. Their wages (at least in urban/leftist areas) increase at rates far above inflation and it's never enough.
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Left, right, up, down, red, blue, green, black, unions are all a huge fucking waste of space. The only good thing about all these job loses is that the unions in this country have shut the fuck up. Probably too fucking scared that with the number of people out of work they are going to lose their comfy free ride at the top
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I wish everyone I knew in a union would shut up about public safety, as they sit on their mountains of Ford layoff money etc. If I was in that position I'd be saying man it sucks for everyone else though, I hear ya! Kinda how I'm against the quarantine even though I'm working.
One of the news media sites I saw linked to likened those people in the streets to a Zombie Apocalypse. Not sure which Zombie Apocalypse they were using to compare their data too though.
Fml, I have not inserted my tongue or penis in any female orifice for what seems like an eternity. Hey @TechnicalBarbarity do you have any armenian sluts you can pimp out to me
Fml, I have not inserted my tongue or penis in any female orifice for what seems like an eternity. Hey @TechnicalBarbarity do you have any armenian sluts you can pimp out to me
yeah man, this ones available ....
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TBH I'm surprised we aren't seeing more of that. Instead we get journos in this country standing shoulder to shoulder with people while talking about social distancing.
Let's be honest, the mortality rate among people who matter is ridiculously low. Let's get the economy humming again and let the 60+ folks fend for themselves.
If by "cant think for themselves" you mean "listen to epidemiologists and virologists," then you're right.
yes , you just go ahead and keep listening. The fact that me implying that we are most likely being lied to in numerous ways by numerous people is something that i need to spoon feed you isnt surprising. You're clearly just a part of the herd ... so please, dont let me bother you from grazing. :thumbsup: