Coronavirus cases and deaths among UM members

Fast food is only still open and considered "essential" because the government would rather people order home delivered food than be out and about whenever they run out of shit to cook, let's be real here. Nothing to do with keeping people employed, much more to do with making self-isolation easier.
.. if that was the case then they would've shut down most of the markets already. But yeah i agree that it has jack shit to do with helping out the economy. It just most people here are fucking dependent(sadly) on junk food. Being lazy fat slobs has become a part of the "umerican way of life".
I never said it was either/or. Forcing people to only eat fast food wouldn't be feasible, but allowing the option to exist will cut down on foot traffic at markets. I almost never eat fast food myself but since this pandemic I've definitely had Subway delivered a few times and many people I know have been doing it too rather than going to the markets.

Then there's stuff markets supply that have nothing to do with food. New Zealand is the only place I've heard of where fast food chains have been closed down, so they're the exception here.
im just saying that if the government would rather people eat fast food than run out and about when they're out of food(what you said), then they would shut food markets down as well. There are plenty of other places open(convenience stores like Rite Aid, Walgreens etc)that supply all the other stuff one would need. Like i said, sadly a good chunk of this country survives off fast food and that's the main reason they're still open. Same reason why laundromats are still open. because people here are naturally lazy.

And i commend new zealand. mcdonalds shouldnt be open if other far more "essential" businesses are forced to stay closed.
out of spite???? Dude what the fuck are you talking about? I just said because they ARE NOT ESSENTIAL. There is NOTHING essential about a mcdonalds.

and i also think its funny how you backtracked your own claim by talking about "what the mcdonalds workers think". This isnt about what the mcdonalds workers think. its' about what businesses are deemed essential for human survival. Dont know why i even bothered.
I think what is deemed essential or unessential is mostly arbitrarily defined in the first place, and all businesses should remain open and should just abide by social distancing guidelines like the so-called essential businesses already are.

That's why I said spite, because you're commending New Zealand for doing something to McDonalds that you don't even agree with, just because they did it to other businesses too. We kept restaurants open over here and we're doing about as good as NZ are with the pandemic.
and for the third time, since some of you seem to be having trouble with this. I dont think ANY business should be forcefully closed. NONE. Just saying that its ridiculous that governments get to decide which businesses are considered essential, and that Mcdonalds, laundromats and other NON ESSENTIAL business are deemed as so.

That's why I said spite, because you're commending New Zealand for doing something to McDonalds that you don't even agree with, just because they did it to other businesses too. We kept restaurants open over here and we're doing about as good as NZ are with the pandemic.

yes im commending them for being straight up and TRUTHFUL with what is essential for us to survive (which mcdonalds is NOT by any means)and what is not. How are you having trouble with this? "just because they did it to other business" yea man thats exactly what i was saying, 'JUST BECAUSE". man what the fuck is wrong with some of you? Read into what im saying before blindly responding with such nonsense
It serves a purpose. It's quick and easy, it's relatively cheap and after my wife and I worked 70 hours each last week we couldn't be stuffed cooking.
meh. I can see why people do but I havent eaten one bite in eleven years, best decision I ever made.
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meh. I can see why people do but I havent eaten one bite in eleven years, best decision I ever made.

I'm not worried about such food occasionally, but in this town currently we have the choice of KFC, Maccas, and pizza for quick and easy. I don't pretend to think one is better than the other but Macca's is a lot quicker and easier if I can go in and order over the counter. If I have to do drive thru they all suck.

yeah you're a fucking idiot, what can i say. If the government is the one controlling who stays open beacuse of what is considered essential for our survival, then by those standards mcdonalds should be closed too. Has nothing to do with my opinion of every business staying open. Your replies here remind me of just how simple minded you can be at times.
Bruh I can't keep up with your constant ninja edits. I just scrolled up and noticed I missed like 3 new paragraphs across several old comments. I'll address them here:

and i also think its funny how you backtracked your own claim by talking about "what the mcdonalds workers think". This isnt about what the mcdonalds workers think. its' about what businesses are deemed essential for human survival. Dont know why i even bothered.

Backtracked which claim exactly? One of the subjects was Slammed talking about keeping people employed, I said keeping fast food places open has less to do with keeping people employed and more to do with having options for food other than leaving the house.

That doesn't mean that what fast food workers think (in reaction to being put out of work) is irrelevant and I never implied it was, ever, not even once lol.

yes im commending them for being straight up and TRUTHFUL with what is essential for us to survive (which mcdonalds is NOT by any means)and what is not. How are you having trouble with this? "just because they did it to other business" yea man thats exactly what i was saying, 'JUST BECAUSE". man what the fuck is wrong with some of you? Read into what im saying before blindly responding with such nonsense

So you think COVID-19 is mostly a non-deadly virus, and zero businesses should be forcefully closed, but you commend NZ's government for being straight up and truthful because they deemed fast food non-essential and shut them down during a pandemic you don't even believe is anywhere near as life-threatening as is claimed in the first place?

What should I read into this clusterfuck of contradictory positions?

yeah you're a fucking idiot, what can i say. If the government is the one controlling who stays open beacuse of what is considered essential for our survival, then by those standards mcdonalds should be closed too. Has nothing to do with my opinion of every business staying open. Your replies here remind me of just how simple minded you can be at times.

And NZ is the exception because every other country realises that a) going out to buy groceries isn't a universal option and b) having more food options rather than less alleviates all the businesses dealing with food. Less foot traffic in stores = less chance of COVID-19 spread etc etc. This only started because you're unable to understand my first comment and went straight to "if that were true gubment would close all markets" which makes no sense.
what a government deems as essential for human survival(again, has nothing do with what i think you nitwit) has nothing do with my thoughts on what stores should/shouldn't stay closed. The fact that you think this is in any way a contradiction to anything i said once again proves my point, that you're showcasing your retardation here.

I agree, what you said does = non sense.

and here's a ninja edit for dat ass(btw my edits were because me and you posted at pretty much the same same time and instead of double posting i responded in my "ninja" posts, sorry if im not as good at internetting as you are). You said that you also think all business' should stay open and then went on to try and downtalk me or whatever with ...."WHATTT??? YOU THINK ALL BUSINESS SHOULD BE OPEN? YOU DONT BELIEVE THE GOVERNMENT THAT COVID ISNT AS DEADLY AS THEY CLAIM? TSK TSK!" :lol: what a little falselett.

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Yes businesses should be open, that doesn't mean I don't think COVID-19 isn't deadly. You're real out the ass with either/or thinking today haha. Those most prone to death should be at home (most already are anyway) and everybody else should be at work, practicing social distancing and so on. How are you having trouble with this? :D