Coronavirus cases and deaths among UM members

who said covid isnt deadly though? Me? Maybe you should stop trying to splurt shit out of your ass just to make yourself sound like you actually understood what i was saying... which basically was that Mcdonalds and landormats arent "essential" for our survival. your autism is at peak level right now mang.

The only thing im taking away form this is that you're just mad that i said Mcdonalds(who im guessing is your employer) is in no way essential to us and commended NZ for saying so. Oh and and im sure sure how you have so much extra time during your shifts to actually breathe on my posts. Maybe if you wait a few minutes instead of responding in 0.02 seconds then you wouldnt have to go back and quote me.
who said covid isnt deadly though? Me? Maybe you should stop trying to splurt shit out of your ass just to make yourself sound like you actually understood what i was saying... which basically was that Mcdonalds and landormats arent "essential" for our survival. your autism is at peak level right now mang.

It's only you and that retarded SJW whore that runs New Zealand that thinks fast food is a non-essential business.

Maybe if you wait a few minutes instead of responding in 0.02 seconds then you wouldnt have to go back and quote me.

Maybe if you took more than 0.02 seconds to formulate your thoughts before you comment you wouldn't have to edit them a thousand times.

Mcdonalds(who im guessing is your employer)

fast food is essential? Bahhahhahahhahahhha oh my ... BBBAHAHHAHHAHAHAH!

Maybe if you took more than 0.02 seconds to formulate your thoughts before you comment you wouldn't have to edit them a thousand times.

says the simpleton who think fast food joints are open BECAUSE THEY IZ ESSENTIALZ FOR OUR SURVIVALZ! :rofl:

anyway, i edited my posts because you live and breath on your keyboard mang and i cant keep up with your immediate responses.

yup, i think now i know why you seem to think mcdonalds and other fast food joints as essential. Im pretty sure your crossdressing homie Jimmy would also agree with you. :D
says the simpleton who think fast food joints are open BECAUSE THEY IZ ESSENTIALZ FOR OUR SURVIVALZ! :rofl:

You're like a valedictorian of a special needs school.

anyway, i edited my posts because you live and breath on your keyboard mang and i cant keep up with your immediate responses.

No you can't keep up with your own brain and have to keep adding extra shit on as you think of it. Just calm down and use your thinking thoughts.

yup, i think now i know why you seem to think mcdonalds and other fast food joints as essential. Im pretty sure your crossdressing homie Jimmy would also agree with you. :D

lmfao someone has to look out for Jimmy.
have to keep adding extra shit on as you think of it.
One of those "3 paragraphs " you're talking about was actually in response to one of your quotes that i edited in instead of making another post and another one was a solo post that you missed because you were probably grilling a chicken sandwich or something, not an edit. but yeah, whatever you say sweetheart.
CIG, the fastest keyboard in the west.

This is pretty much you responding to my posts today
Laundromats are pretty damn essential. They remained open here. Plenty of people renting don't have washing machines. Then try adding a baby to that scenario.

We kept restaurants open over here and we're doing about as good as NZ are with the pandemic.
The per capita stats were always going to look worse for smaller countries. Just because we have 20% of your population, doesn't mean any one infected person here only had 20% as many social contacts. Same reason why Iceland has so many cases per million and Belgium's death stats look particularly terrible.

In nerdspeak, apparently degrees of separation increases logarithmically with population size. So if Australia had an equally strict lockdown adhered to equally promptly, you might expect your cases per capita to be half of NZ's. But I guess it gets complicated if it includes cases caught overseas, infected NZers travelling via Australia to get home and so on.
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The government here released modelling last week showing theoretical cases if they'd done certain things like other countries and the bottom line is it's all theoretical. There is no real answer to the equations.
:lol: you dont need a washing machine to wash your clothes brah. That's like saying you need a dishwasher to wash your dishes.
There are obviously degrees of essential and even more could be taken away than just laundromats (eg. internet repairs, cars). Gotta draw the line somewhere. Some people out there just are useless or incapable, and I doubt everyone would suddenly find tubs big enough and space to let clothes drip dry or whatever.
There are obviously degrees of essential and even more could be taken away than just laundromats (eg. internet repairs, cars). Gotta draw the line somewhere. Some people out there just are useless or incapable, and I doubt everyone would suddenly find tubs big enough and space to let clothes drip dry or whatever.
you dont need a big tub and you can hang clothes even if you live in tiny apartments .. and most people that hand wash their clothes dont have "big tubs" or plenty of space. And internet repairs and car/car repairs are far more essential and there is absolutely no comparison there.

I find it funny(and rather telling) that some of you people here dont seem to be familiar with hand washing clothes.
I could list hundreds of things I should be familiar with that I'm not. Just the reality of a spoilt, sheltered upbringing where I've been preoccupied with major allergy trouble (and I dunno if that relates to modern life or is just bad luck). I react to stuff labelled hypoallergenic sometimes, and liquid detergent is bad news. Clothes dryers seem better at taking care of any detergent residue left over.

I have a 'tub' that's too small to fit a single pair of pants, but I'm sure you'd get off on me washing one shirt at a time just to fuck my skin up. :tickled:

Total deaths in seven states that have been hard hit by the coronavirus pandemic are nearly 50 percent higher than normal for the five weeks from March 8 through April 11, according to new death statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That is 9,000 more deaths than were reported as of April 11 in official counts of deaths from the coronavirus.

The new data is partial and most likely undercounts the recent death toll significantly. But it still illustrates how the coronavirus is causing a surge in deaths in the places it has struck, probably killing more people than the reported statistics capture. These increases belie arguments that the virus is only killing people who would have died anyway from other causes. Instead, the virus has brought a pattern of deaths unlike anything seen in recent years.


We compared these provisional death counts with the average number of deaths each week over the past five years. Public health researchers use the term “excess deaths” to describe a gap between recent trends and a typical level of deaths.

It’s difficult to know whether the differences between excess deaths and the official counts of coronavirus deaths reflect an undercounting of coronavirus deaths or a surge in deaths from other causes. It’s probably a mix of both.

There is evidence, in New York and other places, that the official coronavirus counts are probably too low. Tests for the illness can be hard to get, and not all who die now are being tested, particularly if they die outside a hospital. New York City recently revised its own statistics for the number of coronavirus-related fatalities, saying thousands of additional deaths were probably because of Covid-19, even though no tests had been conducted.

There is also increasing evidence that stresses on the health care system and fears about catching the disease have caused some Americans to die from ailments that are typically treatable. A recent draft paper found that hospital admissions for a major type of heart attack fell by 38 percent in nine major U.S. hospitals in March. In a normal year, cardiovascular disease is the country’s leading cause of death.
Yeah surplus death counts don't look good in most places. Probably the most accurate barometer we have at the moment, although, as it notes, some could come from people not going to the hospital, and others a possible rise in suicides from those who cannot mentally handle what has come with the social lockdown, whether due to interpersonal stuff, finances, etc.
These increases belie arguments that the virus is only killing people who would have died anyway from other causes.

Don't really understand the logic here. If they mean that the virus is only killing people who would have died anyways at the exact same time in the exact same numbers, then they're attacking a strawman*. If they mean that the virus is killing people who would have died anyways within a given timeframe (say, one or two years), then obviously that's impossible to know until time has passed to look at mortality rates of the elderly post-coronachan. I don't see their justification for cherry-picking seven of the worst-hit states and trying to derive any conclusions from that, unless their argument/prediction is that the other forty-three are merely behind the curve.

*I could imagine that maybe Trump or one of his sycophants made this argument at some point, but it's not worth even mentioning if that's what they're getting at