Coronavirus cases and deaths among UM members

He fired Steve Bannon and passed on Kris Kobach, just for a couple higher-IQ people that could have better handled the immigration policy he campaigned on, for example. Your second sentence contradicts the first's defense of Trump by implying that almost everything Trump pushes is that which his admirers go along with. If the Federalist Society and Mitch McConnell didn't exist, Trump would accomplish zilch.

Can you be more clear? I'm guessing Kushner was behind the Bannon firing. Not sure what MAGAheads have to do with the Federalist society. Trump is happy to be told there are good business friendly judges available and his supporters are happy they aren't gun grabbers and Trump "likes them"
Can you be more clear? I'm guessing Kushner was behind the Bannon firing. Not sure what MAGAheads have to do with the Federalist society. Trump is happy to be told there are good business friendly judges available and his supporters are happy they aren't gun grabbers and Trump "likes them"

And what does that say about Trump when he listens to his son-in-law over his then-head policy guy? I'm saying that Trump does dumb shit because he's Trump, and that MAGAheads are something he actively cultivates, not any kind of legitimate handicap except to a guy with the pre-existing condition of extreme self-obsession. The Federalist Society names very conservative/libertarian judges, Trump reads them out loud, they get pushed through by Mitch. It's a great system and don't get me wrong, Trump's election is the reason it's happening; most of the Bushes and Rubios out there would prefer seasoned Ivy League neocons over young ideologues.

More sarcasm. :lol: This retardation only makes me want him to win more.

EDIT: And he has actually correctly used 'Nobel' in earlier tweets. Obviously he takes his image/ego seriously but usually he at least brushes off this level of dumb stuff. I think he's legitimately autistic.
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This retardation only makes me want him to win more.

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Restaurants reopened for deliveries and drive thru takeaways here today. Now it's as if our prime minister is Santa gifting the plebs their McDonald's and KFC again. Just one example of queues everywhere:

We were going get the kids Macca's last Friday, then we found out they only do drive thru or order with an app, so we came home and cooked instead.
Pretty sure if Obese McBlubbertons couldn't get their mcsnacks there would have been US "gilet jaunes" protests that would shock the world.

Fast food places in NZ completely shut down the whole time?
Yep, it was 33 days of just about everything shut down to minimise contact as much as possible. Basically the only shops open were supermarkets, convenience stores, petrol stations and pharmacies. Many bank branches closed and medical centres got into phone/video consultations. No butchers or green grocers except in towns that don't have a supermarket. Liquor stores were online orders only, except for select stores in a few areas where there's a licensing trust that doesn't allow supermarkets to sell booze. No bakeries, no coffee vendors, no school, no public toilets...

Won't know for a couple of weeks whether the $10b spend on that was sufficient I guess.
i think its hilarious that out here shitty fast food spot like mcdonalds and places like laundromats are deemed "essential". Shows how spoiled this nation truly is. We were poor as fuck when i was youngster and not once did my parents, grandparents or most other people i now use laundry machines to wash their clothes. Shit, my Grandma was still washing clothes with her hands up until her passing.
Going to the laundromat has been a major event for me during this lockdown, I wear a metal shirt, put my headphones on and headbang gratuitously, being sure to pose such that I show off my tattoo, as my clothes spin around
i think its hilarious that out here shitty fast food spot like mcdonalds and places like laundromats are deemed "essential".

Essential is not just about what people need though. Sure everyone can get by without fast food, but having as many people in jobs is essential to the economy and to people in general. I don't know what it's like in other countries but here there is thousands of people who are thankful the government deemed their job "essential" enough to keep operating in the current climate.
Essential is not just about what people need though. Sure everyone can get by without fast food, but having as many people in jobs is essential to the economy and to people in general. I don't know what it's like in other countries but here there is thousands of people who are thankful the government deemed their job "essential" enough to keep operating in the current climate.
Actually in this case that's exactly what its about, otherwise i can list you countless other companies and services who employ far more people and offer services that are far more important and essential than a lazy fat fuck trying to get his big mac. Mickey d's is not open because their jobs are essential to our economy and most people working there are teenagers and other students anyway. Also, most laundromats literally have zero employees.
Like I said I don't know about other countries but here I'd rather people in work than out of work. No one needs Maccas open to survive, but they also don't need every supermarket, every petrol station, and every bottle shop. They also don't need computer games shops, or music shops, or hair dressers. But while the services aren't all essential the jobs are. If people can go to work and adhere to the rules set out by the government I see no reason not to give the workers the choice.
oh, jobs are essential to the economy.... got it, thanks for pointing that out my man. when did i imply that i rather have people not work or business' stay shut? It's as if you havent read a single one of my other posts in this thread because i've literally been saying the opposite this whole time. I'm just pointing out how ridiculous it is for the cities/states to deem certain places like mcdonlads and laundromats as "essential", when they literally are not. that's all.

The doors to my business(along with numerous other people i know) have been forced to stay shut and some of us have already lost said businesses. I am going out of my way to help out family and friends who are having a hard time getting by and am getting drained myself. Not sure ill be able to fully rebound from this. The last thing i want is for the economy to stay shut down and the last thing i need is for a stay-at-home manwife to try and tell me about the reasons were facing these hardships when that's something that i myself am actually experiencing and is literally what i've been complaining about in this thread this whole time.

EDIT: And yes, people need markets to stay open unless they all have land they can farm on. Not sure how youd compare that to mickeys d's or a 'friggin landromat staying open.
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Better off not feeding yourselves that dog food anyways

It serves a purpose. It's quick and easy, it's relatively cheap and after my wife and I worked 70 hours each last week we couldn't be stuffed cooking.