Coronavirus cases and deaths among UM members

We did have the same headlines here, as I think every country did. Now that the 'curve has flattened' we are getting "this is what the death count would have been if we hadn't done what we did." The sensationalistic media outlets are proud to be running their death clocks, they aren't concerned with the news or the dead they are only worried about getting the latest death count before the other news services. If they can throw in a politician looking silly or saying something that contradicts someone else it's more points.
it's because public places are closed that projections went down.
why am i not surprised one bit that this was going to be your response? Lulz. What a simpleton. "it went from 2 millions to less than 35k because we did what the government asked us to do". :lol: Just keep listening to big nanny and keep chewing ....

And by the way the current stat of about 30k in itself is inflated because most of those people didn't die due to covid, they died because they were old and had numerous health conditions. but you just keep being the parrot that you are and keep repeating whatever it is we all hear on abc, nbc, cnn, fox etc.

I mean, it's just morbidly entertaining at this point.

It's amusing to watch you think you understand how projections work. You complain about the fact that public places are closed, and that numbers were inflated; but it's because public places are closed that projections went down.

Wasn't the 2 million deaths projection made after most of the shelter-in-place bullshit had already started?
Wasn't the 2 million deaths projection made after most of the shelter-in-place bullshit had already started?
yea, the new york times and a bunch of other media outlets that these sheep follow were saying 2 million Americans can die, and this was around the end of last month if i remember correctly and those numbers came from those wise and oh so knowledgeable epidemiologists our little herbivore friend was talking about earlier, then a few "well respected" doctors from the AHA claimed about about 100 million Americans will be infected and 500k will die and a few days later birx and falci were saying 200k American will die even if "we do everything perfectly".

This was published the day NYS enforced the self isolation

These Brits were wrong about 2 million, which is who was cited

The group has also shared its fatality estimates with the C.D.C., Dr. Ferguson said, including that eight to nine percent of people in the most vulnerable age group, 80 and older, could die if infected.

The authors said that so-called mitigation policies alone — isolating people suspected of having the virus at home, quarantining their contacts and separating the most vulnerable people from others — might reduce the peak demand on the health care system by two-thirds and deaths by half if applied for three months. But that would still result in hundreds of thousands of deaths and in health systems “overwhelmed many times over,” they said.

This was why the authors also recommended measures to distance the entire population, such as school closures. Those interventions, they suggested, could be “relaxed temporarily in relative short time windows" and then reintroduced if new infections began growing.
what information? That old sick people with numerous other health conditions die?

And there it is. You don't need science, math, or the news, because you have... common sense. Which is so much more helpful in a situation like this! Bravo.

and our of curiosity, when did i complain about public places being closed? It's like you're programmed to spew out pretty much every talking point that your peabrain hears on tv ....

This is part of the problem--I really have no idea what you're complaining about. You're unclear and, in all likelihood, confused about why exactly you're so angry. You just wanna cheer on idiots in the streets, believing everything Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck have told them, meanwhile proclaiming they're not sheep.

Wasn't the 2 million deaths projection made after most of the shelter-in-place bullshit had already started?

yea, the new york times and a bunch of other media outlets that these sheep follow were saying 2 million Americans can die, and this was around the end of last month if i remember correctly and those numbers came from those wise and oh so knowledgeable epidemiologists our little herbivore friend was talking about earlier, then a few "well respected" doctors from the AHA claimed about about 100 million Americans will be infected and 500k will die and a few days later birx and falci were saying 200k American will die even if "we do everything perfectly".

First: it was 100k to 200k.

Second: they're not saying 200k people "will die"--they're saying up to that many people could die. They're going off all the data they have to work with.

Third: the 1.6 to 2.2 million was an absolute worst case projection if the U.S. did nothing. But even if the U.S. did nothing, it's unlikely we'd actually see 2.2 million deaths. That's the upper bound, not the mean.

These are projections, and it's not irresponsible to report the numbers.
I remember everyone from Vox to the USSurgG saying masks wouldn't help. Fun times.

Vox was just repeating what the doctors were saying. A lot of those comments were made before they'd done sufficient research on contagion and transmission, weren't they? I mean, even doctors and scientists need the funds/go-ahead to conduct research before they can say anything definitive.
Vox was just repeating what the doctors were saying. A lot of those comments were made before they'd done sufficient research on contagion and transmission, weren't they? I mean, even doctors and scientists need the funds/go-ahead to conduct research before they can say anything definitive.

Saying masks didn't work was either a "noble lie" (gotta keep the limited stocks for healthcare workers) or ideological ignorance (depending on the source). Masks clearly reduce the spread of droplet/"airborne" viruses and this has been known for decades. You can even figure this out through the much (and often reasonably) maligned "common sense". Of course, I do remember one article that equated "work" with "100% reduction", which is another sort of lie.
And there it is. You don't need science, math, or the news, because you have... common sense. Which is so much more helpful in a situation like this! Bravo.

this right here says it all to be honest. That you need science and math as proof that old people with health conditions are literally on their way out. :lol:

This is part of the problem--I really have no idea what you're complaining about. You're unclear and, in all likelihood, confused about why exactly you're so angry. You just wanna cheer on idiots in the streets, believing everything Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck have told them, meanwhile proclaiming they're not sheep.

Im a working class citizen(not a 35 year old who still goes to school and has his wife wear the pants in the house, like yourself) and understand 100% where those people are coming from and FEEL their hardships. But yeah, Rush Limbaugh and beck are the ones who told them they cant put food on their tables and that their families are starving. Totally not from their own experiences :lol: again, not surprised that a privileged ignorant little cunt like yourself cant see why people who are losing their job and cant feed their families would be angry about this, but instead you want to turn around and make fun of them. Once again showcases that you are truly a disgusting excuse of a human being.

First: it was 100k to 200k.

Second: they're not saying 200k people "will die"--they're saying up to that many people could die. They're going off all the data they have to work with.

Birx literally predicted 200k deaths "EVEN IF WE DO THINGS PERFECTLY". How are you having trouble with this? Oh yeah, that's because you're a fucking idiot.

Oh and here's another one of those "math and science" driven epidemiologist for you .... Matthew Biggerstaff and the boys over at the CDC "Between 160 million and 214 million people in the United States could be infected over the course of the epidemic" "2.4 million to 21 million people in the United States could require hospitalization" "the nations medical system which has only 950,000 beds is going to get crushed(all while there are countless empty hospital beds and emergency rooms all throughout this country)"As many as 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die." Yeah dude, they were right on the money with all of those predictions and they did nothing but help this country, amirite???

Third: the 1.6 to 2.2 million was an absolute worst case projection if the U.S. did nothing.

These are projections, and it's not irresponsible to report the numbers.[/QUOTE]
yes it is irresponsible to report numbers to scare shit out of this country and take away their livelihoods to only flop those prediction numbers around every other day, especially when they were about as far form the truth as it can possibly get. Youre being such a hard headed bitch right now that you cant even see that those prediction numbers and what they are doing with them is literally what i've been complaining about. But hey, thanks for once again proving to me that you've blindly bought into all of those numbers, which have continually been proven wrong. You are the definition of a fucking sheep.
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"As many as 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die."

Between 160 million and 214 million people in the United States could be infected over the course of the epidemic" "2.4 million to 21 million people in the United States
require hospitalization
These are projections, and it's not irresponsible to report the numbers.
they're saying up to that many people could die
slow down TB
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you really struggle at the concept of making serious decisions with limited information because it's necessary. fucking mind blowing i've wasted this much time reading you and Carpe's shitty posts on this topic