Coronavirus cases and deaths among UM members

The UV light thing was part of his claims; the other part involved injecting disinfectant into the body. He specifically used the word "injection."

I watched the clip. He of course is not the most precise speaker but after saying "inject" he re-referenced the "1 minute" claim and tied it to the light therapy, not "injecting disinfectant". Maybe he did mean to say something about injecting a disinfectant but it was also in the context of "having medical doctors look into it". I see plenty of people trying to dunk on him for this and I see it as really reaching.
this right here says it all to be honest. That you need science and math as proof that old people with health conditions are literally on their way out. :lol:

That's only part of what's at issue. You really don't understand what's at stake in a situation like this, do you?

Im a working class citizen(not a 35 year old who still goes to school and has his wife wear the pants in the house, like yourself) and understand 100% where those people are coming from and FEEL their hardships. But yeah, Rush Limbaugh and beck are the ones who told them they cant put food on their tables and that their families are starving. Totally not from their own experiences :lol: again, not surprised that a privileged ignorant little cunt like yourself cant see why people who are losing their job and cant feed their families would be angry about this, but instead you want to turn around and make fun of them. Once again showcases that you are truly a disgusting excuse of a human being.

I don't still go to school. I'm a teacher. Do you need me to explain the difference?

My wife and I enjoy a mutually supportive relationship. It's a really great situation; you might give it a shot someday if you can ever make room in your life for someone else's point of view.

If you think those people in that Breitbart video weren't doing exactly what Limbaugh told them to, you're deluding yourself. Just try and be a little bit smarter, dude. And you can keep calling me disgusting all you want, it won't change the fact that your existence derives meaning from being able to pummel libs on the internet.

Birx literally predicted 200k deaths "EVEN IF WE DO THINGS PERFECTLY". How are you having trouble with this? Oh yeah, that's because you're a fucking idiot.

She said 100k-200k. How are you having trouble with this?

Oh and here's another one of those "math and science" driven epidemiologist for you .... Matthew Biggerstaff and the boys over at the CDC "Between 160 million and 214 million people in the United States could be infected over the course of the epidemic" "2.4 million to 21 million people in the United States could require hospitalization" "the nations medical system which has only 950,000 beds is going to get crushed(all while there are countless empty hospital beds and emergency rooms all throughout this country)"As many as 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die." Yeah dude, they were right on the money with all of those predictions and they did nothing but help this country, amirite???

Dear god, you're really paying no attention to the content of these statements.

yes it is irresponsible to report numbers to scare shit out of this country and take away their livelihoods to only flop those prediction numbers around every other day, especially when they were about as far form the truth as it can possibly get. Youre being such a hard headed bitch right now that you cant even see that those prediction numbers and what they are doing with them is literally what i've been complaining about. But hey, thanks for once again proving to me that you've blindly bought into all of those numbers, which have continually been proven wrong. You are the definition of a fucking sheep.

Thanks for proving once again that you're a hypocrite who lacks the capacity for even the slightest amount of self-reflection. As soon as someone disagrees with you, they're an idiot. As soon as someone cites experts, they're a sheep. You have no consideration for others' perspectives, or for how you speak to them. You're a working-class five-year-old.

All your lulz make perfect sense though.


I watched the clip. He of course is not the most precise speaker but after saying "inject" he re-referenced the "1 minute" claim and tied it to the light therapy, not "injecting disinfectant". Maybe he did mean to say something about injecting a disinfectant but it was also in the context of "having medical doctors look into it". I see plenty of people trying to dunk on him for this and I see it as really reaching.

I think the bigger problem is that he feels qualified to speak on these things, and that a lot of people simply believe what he says. He feels he needs to combat Fauci et al in order to score political points, but he's doing so at the expense of clarity from the highest office in the country.
A privileged little gated community college student who is making fun of people who are losing everything they have and cant feed their families "because of what Rush limbauhg and glen beck are saying" :lol: ..... And im the one who has "no consideration for other peoples perspectives" LOL!

My wife and I enjoy a mutilating unborn babies
and those same people you love making fun of are providing most of the money that goes into whatever abortions factory you guys frequent.
I’ve had enough of this shit, time to OPEN AMERICA BACK UP AGAIN motherfuckers
I think the bigger problem is that he feels qualified to speak on these things, and that a lot of people simply believe what he says. He feels he needs to combat Fauci et al in order to score political points, but he's doing so at the expense of clarity from the highest office in the country.

Is he "speaking on these things" though? Saying something should be looked into by "medical doctors" isn't a missive to the general public. Copying this from twitter, as I think this is the cycle occurring repeatedly:

1. Trump says something
2. People read into it in the worst possible way and distort the message
3. Distorted message is disseminated far beyond what Trump could do on his own
4. People think Trump said the distorted thing
5. Trump gets to attack the media over it

Trump doesn't speak as clearly as Obama. But being clear doesn't help if you are also/still wrong. You could, in fact, drill your way to lower gas prices. You could, in fact, achieve higher than 2% growth. Business owners do, in fact, build things. The black community did not, in fact, have any reason to believe in "Hope & Change" from his administration. You could not, in fact, "keep [it] if you like [it]".

There's still time for Trump to completely fuck up but I'm still giving him higher marks for his presidency than any other president in our lifetimes at the moment. That's a really really low bar to be sure, but he's making the same mistakes other presidents have at a lower or the same rate (eg growing govt and taking on more debt), making at least token gestures in the right direction in some areas (immigration, trade), and so far has avoided starting any new wars (major plus)! But "he don't talk good", to be sure. Between Clinton and GWB, Trump is going to have to majorly fuck up in the next 1 or 5 years to be worse, and that is with being thrown this curveball of a pandemic.
If someone injects disinfectant into their bodies because of what Trump said, they probably deserved to go anyway.

No real argument here.

Is he "speaking on these things" though? Saying something should be looked into by "medical doctors" isn't a missive to the general public. Copying this from twitter, as I think this is the cycle occurring repeatedly:

1. Trump says something
2. People read into it in the worst possible way and distort the message
3. Distorted message is disseminated far beyond what Trump could do on his own
4. People think Trump said the distorted thing
5. Trump gets to attack the media over it

Trump doesn't speak as clearly as Obama. But being clear doesn't help if you are also/still wrong. You could, in fact, drill your way to lower gas prices. You could, in fact, achieve higher than 2% growth. Business owners do, in fact, build things. The black community did not, in fact, have any reason to believe in "Hope & Change" from his administration. You could not, in fact, "keep [it] if you like [it]".

There's still time for Trump to completely fuck up but I'm still giving him higher marks for his presidency than any other president in our lifetimes at the moment. That's a really really low bar to be sure, but he's making the same mistakes other presidents have at a lower or the same rate (eg growing govt and taking on more debt), making at least token gestures in the right direction in some areas (immigration, trade), and so far has avoided starting any new wars (major plus)! But "he don't talk good", to be sure. Between Clinton and GWB, Trump is going to have to majorly fuck up in the next 1 or 5 years to be worse, and that is with being thrown this curveball of a pandemic.

I mean, we disagree fundamentally on what constitutes a good president, and so I reject most of what you just said. Trump has been wrong as many times as Obama has, if not more.

Trump isn't the holy salvation and delivery from "the swamp" that people wanted him to be. All he's done is pump more sewage into the reservoir, all the while convincing people he's cleaning it out.
Trump isn't the holy salvation and delivery from "the swamp" that people wanted him to be. All he's done is pump more sewage into the reservoir, all the while convincing people he's cleaning it out.

Oh I agree he isn't the salvation. Most of what he has done in a positive direction has been a token measure at best. That to me is better than going full steam ahead in the wrong direction ( eg, NAFTA, regime change wars, "renewable energy" subsidies, ACA). Wish I could include bank/big business bailouts in that list. Not exactly sure what sewage you are talking about; DC bureaucracy is the swamp, and many, many positions have been going unfilled and new bureaucracies aren't getting spawned as they have been (eg, the TSA). Addition by subtraction possibly. If nothing else it's a net push. I also weight president performance most heavily on the things they have the most control over, such as foreign policy and the judiciary. Not starting new wars/winding down old ones weighs very heavily. Appointing Federalist Society judges (not all of them are good, but better than most alternatives) is a net positive to me although I'm sure you'd disagree.

Edit: The alternative timeline is where Hillary is president and we are at war with Iran and possibly others. Economy was shot before the novel coronavirus. Guaranteed.
Oh I agree he isn't the salvation. Most of what he has done in a positive direction has been a token measure at best. That to me is better than going full steam ahead in the wrong direction ( eg, NAFTA, regime change wars, "renewable energy" subsidies, ACA). Wish I could include bank/big business bailouts in that list. Not exactly sure what sewage you are talking about; DC bureaucracy is the swamp, and many, many positions have been going unfilled and new bureaucracies aren't getting spawned as they have been (eg, the TSA). Addition by subtraction possibly. If nothing else it's a net push. I also weight president performance most heavily on the things they have the most control over, such as foreign policy and the judiciary. Not starting new wars/winding down old ones weighs very heavily. Appointing Federalist Society judges (not all of them are good, but better than most alternatives) is a net positive to me although I'm sure you'd disagree.

I'd categorize almost every appointment he's made to various positions and "task forces" and whatnot as sewage. Gorsuch has proven to be better than expected, I'll admit.

But Rick Perry, Ben Carson, John Bolton, his fucking son in law... these aren't winners. These are horrible choices.

I also don't see renewable energy subsidies as a bad thing when we subsidize the hell out of big oil. I'd agree with you completely if you say you want big oil subsidies repealed; but this is how deeply multinational capitalism has sunk its teeth into our way of life. It's virtually impossible to undo those subsidies; and so, given that, I'm all for renewable energy subsidies.

Edit: The alternative timeline is where Hillary is president and we are at war with Iran and possibly others. Economy was shot before the novel coronavirus. Guaranteed.

Missed this earlier. I really have no idea how you think this would actually be the case.
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I'd categorize almost every appointment he's made to various positions and "task forces" and whatnot as sewage. Gorsuch has proven to be better than expected, I'll admit.

Gorsuch is great. Kavanaugh is ehh.

But Rick Perry, Ben Carson, John Bolton, his fucking son in law... these aren't winners. These are horrible choices.

I agree! Minus Carson, maaaaaaybe (I don't think he's a bad guy, but he's been misappointed out of his area of expertise). Fuck both Kushner (and Ivanka for that matter) and Bolton 3x over, but only Kushner is still in place (unfortunately). Most of Trump's notable appointments have been bad but shortlived. He even supposedly mocked Bolton the whole time he was in position which is almost worth the appointment. You have to consider the fact that many potential good appointees wouldn't consider accepting a position for fear of that Deep State/Cathedral reprisal that supposedly doesn't exist.

I also don't see renewable energy subsidies as a bad thing when we subsidize the hell out of big oil. I'd agree with you completely if you say you want big oil subsidies repealed; but this is how deeply multinational capitalism has sunk its teeth into our way of life. It's virtually impossible to undo those subsidies; and so, given that, I'm all for renewable energy subsidies.

I do see them bad because of EROEI. Renewable subsidies (specifically, wind/solar) are more or less a net loss every time I look at the data excepting maybe solar panels directly on houses. I'm against subsidies in a true ceteris paribus environment, but ceteris paribus in fact doesn't apply to international economics. The US has to contend with Saudi Arabia, Russia, etc. Hydro is less of an issue because of EROEI but creates other environmental issues (which solar/wind farms do as well).

Multinational capitalism is a problem in a variety of ways but the opposition is always misdiagnosing how/why and subsequently the cure is worse than the disease. Tucker Carlson isn't right about everything, but he's the closest to the mark these days when it comes to talking heads. My preferred policies: Indefinitely freeze immigration (including seasonal). Repatriate manufacturing through carrot/stick approach of tariffs and subsidies. End "green" subsidies. Subsidize 4thGen nuclear. Eradicate the entire welfare state payout/bureaucracy and replace it with a UBI pegged to some index which yields something like the Trumpbux that just went out. I have other ideas about the healthcare industry but I'm less settled on those issues than these issues listed here.
You have to consider the fact that many potential good appointees wouldn't consider accepting a position for fear of that Deep State/Cathedral reprisal that supposedly doesn't exist.
Or because, you know, he fires just about everyone who doesn't turn out to be a yes man. Kinda hard to form a competent cabinet when every policy decision has to accommodate your cult of personality.
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Or because, you know, he fires just about everyone who doesn't turn out to be a yes man. Kinda hard to form a competent cabinet when every policy decision has to accommodate your cult of personality.

Hard to form a competent cabinet when almost everyone with a brain is afraid of the room temperature IQs in the media and the malevolent deep state apparatchiks. MAGAheads will by definition go along with almost everything Trump pushes.
Hard to form a competent cabinet when almost everyone with a brain is afraid of the room temperature IQs in the media and the malevolent deep state apparatchiks. MAGAheads will by definition go along with almost everything Trump pushes.

He fired Steve Bannon and passed on Kris Kobach, just for a couple higher-IQ people that could have better handled the immigration policy he campaigned on, for example. Your second sentence contradicts the first's defense of Trump by implying that almost everything Trump pushes is that which his admirers go along with. If the Federalist Society and Mitch McConnell didn't exist, Trump would accomplish zilch.