Coronavirus cases and deaths among UM members

I was a little casual about all this until a lot of the people I know were out of a job. Until I'm doing the work of three people in the office. Until I knew people who actually have it and people exposed, now being quarantined. Until I read @Der Morgenstern 's experience (glad you're alright now yo).

Scary shit. My mom is old school factory worker and keeps wanting to visit since she's off and I cannot stress to her enough that bitch you are older than you think, and you park in the handicapped spots, please keep your stupid ass home.

Just worried about these people in my life. The in laws are right next to Detroit where we have our highest cases in Michigan, and they're in their 70s. My own dad has asthma and still smokes like a chimney. We've been quadrupling cases with more testing being done and I can't say it's just a flu anymore.
@Der Morgenstern

This thing is scary, But I’m glad you’re okay now and healing from this. Take it easy. Thank you for your first hand account. It really puts things in perspective because you’re still young and the news makes it seem like it’ll make you sick only if you’re above 60 with underlying medical conditions. Glad you’re breathing on your own and healing up well.
All good guys.

Should mention the emotional toll texting your 70 year old parents that you’re hooked up to a ventilator in ER and your lungs are failing so here’s a shitty will I’m writing on my phone.

Also you can’t come see me so this might be goodbye.

I’m just processing that now and I know it’s cliche to be non-chalant about death, but fuck, I don’t want to die. I was closer at that point than even when I was dodging IEDS and ambushed 12 years ago in Afghanistan. At least there you felt you had some semblance of control.

With this? Yea, no control whatsoever.
glad you're doing better, sounds horrible. do you have any underlying medical conditions? and how often do you come down with stuff like regular flu?

First senator?

The one guy who voted no on the first senate coronavirus bill... They need to get real and do remote vote. There's a ton of geezers in the senate who should all be locked up in their homes. If they all end up in the IR or quarantine they're not gonna have quorum before we know it and won't be able to pass any legislation.
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Gary Holt, Chuck Billy, Chuck's wife and some of the crew from the Bay Area Strikes back Euro tour are now confirmed to have it. Will Carroll from Death Angel in is ICU with an illness is family are saying is "undisclosed" but some sites are suggesting Gary Holt has confirmed it's Corona.
Apparently India has implemented a major shutdown of some sort. Help Center calls for big brands and companies all over the world are going through to either dead lines or just ringing out. Time to see if you local company really has local call centre staff like they claim!
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Here in my hometown, the propertied classes are advertising far and wide to encourage folks to come here to ride it out (for a profit). Their ghoulishness and irresponsibility is apparently boundless.

just came back from a hiking trip to the Great Smoky's and now the park closed all it's campgrounds/services etc. Fucking park was packed and the town to the north (Gatlinburg) was full of fat and/or old tourists. gonna blow up down there in a few weeks, dumbasses
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just came back from a hiking trip to the Great Smoky's and now the park closed all it's campgrounds/services etc. Fucking park was packed and the town to the north (Gatlinburg) was full of fat and/or old tourists. gonna blow up down there in a few weeks, dumbasses

See my post above for why this is happening. I live just on the other side of the ridgeline in Asheville, and we've still got property managers and vacation rental companies actively advertising encouraging folks to come in from outside the area to avoid COVID. its fucking insane.
yeah that area is real dumb. can't imagine they get lucky. damn dolly parton town on the TN side was loaded too. at least when I left NC/SC just closed everything -- not sure about TN
yeah that area is real dumb. can't imagine they get lucky. damn dolly parton town on the TN side was loaded too. at least when I left NC/SC just closed everything -- not sure about TN

We aren't getting lucky. We've got cases in town, and dozens more already in the hospital waiting for their test results. Meanwhile, HCA, the company (owned largely by Tennessee's own Frist family) that bought out our hospital system is far more worried about busting a union organizing drive among the nurses than in preparing for what is coming. They're still pulling nurses off the floor on the daily for captive audience meetings against the union, but haven't got any sort of system in place for handling the pandemic. All capitalism is disaster capitalism, because capitalism is the disaster.
Michigan shut down for 3 weeks. I'm still working, at the office, because our supply chain is involved roundabout with defense contracts. My guy is probably laid off though I'll find out when I get home. Kinda glad to be honest because someone needs to be sitting by the window with a gun in case there's lootings.
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My partner and l started isolating ourselves yesterday. We have a 2 year old and one about to pop in 2 weeks - April 7. Pregnant women are at a higher risk, as are smokers - l'm only partially drunk and stoned right now wains!
I live on a tiny island with about 150 locals. Our money is tourism. It is predominately a cottage time-share business. Our season started 2 weeks ago, so we have mainlanders here now. Londoners.
Where l live is about to totally shut down(thank fuck) and get those people out of here. But it might be too late to think that being as isolated as we are, we could avoid the virus here. We have had no cases here yet, but it is without question, gotta fuckin be here.
And our one and only food shop is amazingly stocked - no panic buying on my island. The freight boat from the mainland won't stop. The island 10 minutes away tho… only has a co-op, and it has no real warehouse. Stuff goes on to shelves direct from the freight boat. And that island - 1200 people live there, has been panic buying. It's nuts.
l have another son (18) living on ANOTHER island isolating with his gf. And another son (14) in Melbourne, finishing school tomorrow and isolating with his mum.
We had another update from Boris tonight, just shy of a total lockdown, authorising police to disrupt any gathering of more than 2 people. All clothes shops, tech shops, libraries, churches etc shut. Not that that affects us.
I cant imagine living in a city anywhere in the world right now. How the fuck are you guy's and your families going?