Coronavirus cases and deaths among UM members

Hey man just because you got to see the pics in all their abscess covered glory doesn't mean you get to take the high road here
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One doctor received a mild professional reprimand for going outside of the channels the Chinese government has set up for reporting possible epidemic outbreaks. He wasn't arrested. He wasn't criminally sanctioned or prosecuted.

Do you mean one of the original whistleblowers, the one that died and there was a bunch of bizarre censorship about whether he had actually died or not?

After the SARS experience, the Chinese government was particularly (and rightly) concerned about the potential for public panic inhibiting an effective response to an outbreak, and they were especially worried about triggering the sort of disruptive panic-buying of sanitary supplies and consumer goods we've seen in the US. Unlike subsequent outbreaks elsewhere, this came at the Chinese government cold, with no prior warning. Under the circumstances, their response has been about as effective as you could possibly expect it to be, and far more effective than the responses of many other governments that did have lead time to prepare.

Regarding justifying suppression of information early on, even Wuhan's mayor complained that information wasn't released early enough but national laws prohibited him from doing so.
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Hey man just because you got to see the pics in all their abscess covered glory doesn't mean you get to take the high road here

Well it doesn't mean I have too take that road, but lets face it when I have them blown up and framed any other road would be a let down.
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I work as an operator in a wastewater pumping station and the other day administration notified us of a possible "lock-down" situation if things get really bad. I would work 12 hour shifts for 14 days straight and not be permitted to leave the facility unless there was a family emergency or to seek medical treatment.
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Hope everyone is safe etc and I hate to be one of those people but god damn am I worried about the economy. Anyone find any good articles on expected boons or banes? Because some folks I know working in finances have been lowkey over the moon lately and I'm busier than ever in the aerospace supply sector.
All I can speak for at the moment is students and unless you had a dissertation or thesis jeopardized by this turn of events, or are super extraverted, (not counting having immediately in danger relatives) this has been a fine turn of events.
Plenty of people here in Australia are spending all their time bitching about what the government is or isn't doing and they claim the economy is the least of our concerns. They keep going on and on about how the government are putting business and the economy before lives, despite the low number of actual lives lost, and that we should be in total lockdown. Most of the people complaining are the sort whose work is not effected by this, or it's increased because of the industry they are in. They don't care about business owners closing down, people loosing work, people not being able to afford bills. Too many here have a fuck everyone else attitude, they don't care what's going to happen in the future it's about today and what the government didn't do yesterday. For many of them it's a government hatred that is driving them, they hate the current government so much that even if the government came up with a vaccine they'd refuse to take it because the government can't do anything right in their eyes.
I'm wondering about Trump's stolid insistence on states doing their own thing during this crisis, and how much of that is a loyalty to new tariff and trade agreements. I found it interesting that Elon Musk bought a bunch of Chinese ventilators and is bringing them to the US... makes you wonder why our federal government wouldn't just do the same. And I am not anti government at all I am very pro big brother, but I imagine and hope we're using this smoke screen to our advantage to ensure that when the cards come up we have a decent hand. Gonna be a whole lot of Americans without jobs.

I'm not very educated at all and can hardly read without getting sleepy but I'd imagine Australia and other countries are doing something similar. Everyone may be looking at a different pile of chips when this is over.
I don't know exactly what America is doing and how that compares to what we are doing, but I too imagine it's not that different. The problem we have here like I said is government hatred and that's created an echo chamber of people saying everything the government does is wrong. The same people claim New Zealand is doing everything right, because they love the NZ Prime Minster. They aren't comparing New Zealand's response to Australia's they are just shitting on what our government say.

Our PM has said they are trying to manage the virus while at the same time manage the country and the economy. They don't want the country to implode, therefore some business has to keep running. But to those with job security they are saying close everything else and if someone who had a job wasn't smart enough to have savings in the bank they deserve to go under. It's a fucking atrocious attitude but the strangest thing is these same people have spent years complaining that the current government has always had the rich get richer attitude, now those people are saying, fuck those who aren't as well off as me.

Don't get me wrong I don't like our PM he's made some major mistakes since being elected but it's not like the opposition would have handled this better. I'm hopeful that the current efforts of isolation work for us but if they don't I'm not lining up to kick the PM's arse.
My state is deciding over the weekend what lockdown measures to take. I'll slip over to the shops on Saturday afternoon for what might likely be a last opportunity before things truly get crazy over here.
Surprising enough when the latest round of closures etc were announced here and the order to stay home was issued there wasn't a fucking mad run on everything. There was claims the bottle shops did 3 times their Christmas eve trade in one day but the supermarkets did not go bat shit crazy. I can't speak for the city but people in my area are taking this shit serious, there is fuck all on the streets, the shops/supermarkets are not full of people and most restaurants and cafes have dropped to a pick up or home delivery service. If this shit goes south in a few weeks it will be because of the city snobs like Jimmy.