Corporation 187 – Perfection In Pain


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Corporation 187 – Perfection In Pain
Earache/Wicked World WICK14CD 04/11/2002
By Russell Garwood

“Perfection In Pain” is the second album from Swedish thrash outfit Corporation 187. The line-up for their sophomore release features new vocalist Filip Carlsson (original bassist), while the other members remain as Magnus Petterson and Olaf Knutsson on guitars, drummer Robert Eng and Viktor Clint on bass. Their music is contemporary thrash, in the vein of Dew-Scented and Carnal Forge.

As is to be expected the guitars are frenzied, but maintain some melody, while slower drums are both solid and precise. The bass is quite far back in the mix but provides a reasonable low end, and the vocals are a non-guttural screech. Recorded in Studio Underground (Carnal Forge, Madder Mortem) and produced by the band, plus Pelle Saether and Lasse Linden, the sound is excellent if, at times, slightly lacking power. The ten short songs, be it from the oppressive extremity of “Violated Relation” to the pumelling title track or the more melodic “Religious Connection”, are unrelentingly harsh.

“Perfection In Pain” is a good release, and it is good to hear metal other than death (melodic or otherwise) emanating from Sweden. While Corporation 187’s music lacks some variety and originality (a fact which can lead to monotony) this shouldn’t be a problem for people seeking well written and proficiently performed thrash. The artwork courtesy of Dark Tranquility’s Niklas Sundin is excellent, completing a well presented album. “Perfection In Pain” was released on the fourth of November through Earache imprint Wicked World.