Countdown to Athens......

A very important one for me this is.

A really good mate of mine from work passed away a couple of months back and he was a huge Liverpool fan. I always cheer on the English clubs in Europe (well, except for Man U) but I'll be supporting Liverpool tonight like they are my own club in his honour. I know how much it meant to him.

Come on it for Aqeel....
Gutted last night. I thought we were the better team over the 90 minutes but we needed score goals and we couldn't do that (apart fro Kuyt, a few minutes before the end - a bit too late). Nevermind, here's hoping Rafa can make some decent signings in the summer and we can not only be challenging for the European Cup next year but the Premiership also :)
Shame to see Liverpool beaten, but Milan were the better side really, and Gerrard was surprisingly below par, he made a lot of mistakes.. Next year!
Should be an interesting summer of transfer market activity. I would like to see a couple of world class strikers brought in, maybe Etoo and Villa/Torres. A top draw centre back and a real ly creativity midfielder. I suspect there will be a number of departures as well
Well the reason i can't start a Liverpool thread on our board is because amongst my band mates i have Arsenal fans, a spurs fan and a Man City fan... and it would just start a row :lol: