Metal as fuck
While I'm here, performance-based pay rates for teachers is a sound idea, but it's completely unworkable. Teachers simply won't stand for it, and if Howard comes good with his threat and cuts off schools funding until the States force them to allow schools to be rated by performance levels, that will be the end of public education in this country. But while we're on the subject, why not performance-based pay for all public servants, politicians included? That's a pretty socialist idea really. I'm surprised the Libs came up with it, but in the end it will benefit the better private and public schools over the disadvantaged ones. After all, if you teach at a school that has high results, you'll get paid more. No one's going to want to teach at a lousy school, eventually they'll get even lousier and we'll have created a new underclass of illiterate unemployed. I am full aware of the bi-partisan stance on this "policy", by the way. I just can't see how it will work without massive industrial action and already disadvantaged kids becoming even more disadvantaged.