Countdown to the Election

Dän;6276722 said:
but as I've argued before we live in an economy not a society

Seeing some of your reactions to societal issues in other threads, I can see that you certainly DO have views on social issues, and what should be done/legislated to stop certain activities.

Imagine not having to have ministers for housing, health, education and training etc. etc. We'd have a mighty efficient Government if they only needed a treasurer.
Dän;6276729 said:
the war is nackered but we had no choice but to follow

Why ?

Why couldn't we say "No, the war is illegal, and we don't want to play?"

Could you please explain the economic theory for joining the war, and why it was positive for the Australian economy (which it must have been for the liberals to do in the first place)
It is economical because we have been doing our dough on 2nd hand US military shit for years, hell how long have we had those helicopters on order?? AND THEY DON"T SUIT OUR TECHNOLOGY!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You still have a lot to learn, Dan.

Wages are determined by the expected inflation rate, the unemployment rate, and various other factors such as UE benefits, welfare, minimum wage etc.

If things such as the minimum wage go up, or UE benefits increase, then wages increase greater than their natural rate of increase, and hence the unemployment rate also increase. When the UE increases this weakens workers bargaining power and forces them to accept a lower wage. Note that less than 30% of wages are collectivly determined by unions.
Why ?

Why couldn't we say "No, the war is illegal, and we don't want to play?"

Could you please explain the economic theory for joining the war, and why it was positive for the Australian economy (which it must have been for the liberals to do in the first place)

Good idea; and turn your back on the largest economy in the world that is vital for out economic affluence.

Some things in life arent right and arent fair buts its the way that it is and neither you or I can do fuck all about it. Some people need to accept reality rather than wondering off on a tanget on their moral high horse. The war was dumb and a mistake, some neo-cons need to realise that our way isnt the only way; i know that, im not stupid. But the reality is that, whether you like it or not, the USA is vital to us, myabe in 25 yrs it wont be as essential, but for now it is. I would prefer to be with them than against them, to antagonise a power such as America is stupid and irresponsible.

Other economic reasoning; go to war, need to spend more on military, any gov spending has an expansionary effect on the economy, when the economy expands so do local busniness, when local firms expand they employ more people and then the multiplier effect kicks in... cant be fucked telling you more because you seldomly actually read what I write so whats the point.
Seeing some of your reactions to societal issues in other threads, I can see that you certainly DO have views on social issues, and what should be done/legislated to stop certain activities.

Imagine not having to have ministers for housing, health, education and training etc. etc. We'd have a mighty efficient Government if they only needed a treasurer.

probably not because social well being is important to keep society content.

Those other issues, like gay marrige, abortion and the such arent things that are having a big debate in the parliament currently. The social issues that are dominating are, to me, non-issues that dont effect me. If Libs came out and said they would ease abortion laws and allow gay marrige i wouldnt vote for them, but they havent so i will.
Also, saying we live "in an economy not a society" is a strange and naive thing to say.

tell me why, dont just make a comment with no substance to it. Although, you are a lefty so I would have to excuse you for it, its a bit of a genetic symptom of you lot.
Dän;6276937 said:
Good idea; and turn your back on the largest economy in the world that is vital for out economic affluence.

So killing people for economic benefits is cool ?

Good work.

Dän;6276937 said:
Some things in life arent right and arent fair buts its the way that it is and neither you or I can do fuck all about it. Some people need to accept reality rather than wondering off on a tanget on their moral high horse. The war was dumb and a mistake, some neo-cons need to realise that our way isnt the only way; i know that, im not stupid. But the reality is that, whether you like it or not, the USA is vital to us, myabe in 25 yrs it wont be as essential, but for now it is. I would prefer to be with them than against them, to antagonise a power such as America is stupid and irresponsible.

To not join in is certainly not antagonising them...look how badly they've treated New Zealand.

Dän;6276937 said:
Other economic reasoning; go to war, need to spend more on military, any gov spending has an expansionary effect on the economy, when the economy expands so do local busniness, when local firms expand they employ more people and then the multiplier effect kicks in

Killing people for money is justified, as it's good for the economy...once again, good work.

I think that it was Ford who got fucked over for putting an economic value on a human much is a life worth in your economy ?

Dän;6276937 said:
cant be fucked telling you more because you seldomly actually read what I write so whats the point.

You have no fucking idea what I read, of your drivel, or of anything else.

I've read enough of your drivel to know that you have certain conservative views that have nothing to do with the economy, but are typical conservative control things...YOU've responded to them in an entirely reactionary way, indicating that you have a view on those social issues...and knew enough about my point to list them.

As to economists being the be all and end all...they've been running the power industry for years. I'd suggest that you stock up on candles, as Cost benefit does not mean that the lights are on 24/7.

Oh yeah, I'd better tell you to fuck off, or suggest that I can't be fucked responding, or call you a fucking idiot or something, as it seems appropriate in this "debate".
Dän;6276944 said:
If Libs came out and said they would ease abortion laws and allow gay marrige i wouldnt vote for them, but they havent so i will.

So you'd place social issues ahead of economic issues.
Yeh, well at least I have a point then call someone a faggoty arse cunt pinko, unlike most of you faggoty arse cunt pinkos.

Make a point, with substance, then give me a cheap shot, otherwise you're a fool.
Dän;6276948 said:
tell me why, dont just make a comment with no substance to it. Although, you are a lefty so I would have to excuse you for it, its a bit of a genetic symptom of you lot.

I'm not going to argue with you anymore, because all you seem to do is throw insults around. Australia isn't an economy, you stupid boy. It's a society with an economy. We don't live in an economy. We live in a society with an economy. You aren't going to convince me to vote for Howard. I have my reasons for voting against him and they have nothing to do with the economy. You live at home with your parents, so obviously the reasons you are going to vote are going to be different from a single-income family of three. You can call me a pinko all you like, but when you live in a community with no doctors offering bulk billing, where "tax cuts" are immediately eaten up by costs of living, where childcare is out of reach of the average citizen and where public health and education are being eroded and being danced around, then you'll forgive me for thinking that Howard and his cronies are cockheads and should be tossed out. It's as simple as that. I'm not going to vote for them, because I think they should go. It's got nothing to do with the economy.
I'm not going to argue with you anymore,

you stupid boy

Thats because you can't and the 2nd statement is terribly ironic coming from you.

My aim isnt to convince you to vote for howard.

My posts were solely aimed at maybe presenting a different point of view to what most of you have, is that wrong? Winmar started this off with good v evil. Im not just going let him say that without any substance am I? and if I did that would be irresponsible as a voter, i tried to dispell alot of ficticious BS that the pinkos tell you; i indeed learnt some things along the way, as i hope you did, but theres not need to run off and claim that all i do is insult you, because that isnt true and you know it.
Shannow didn't quote you out of context at all.

You said that if the Liberals brought out those issues and took that stance on them you wouldn't vote for them.

This thread has been awesome. I hope in a year or so Dan's gone from the board and we can keep ressurecting this thread and having a giggle at it, Terry style. you like to to take chicks with huge basketball tits to the cinema? Ever hunted a panther in NSW?

And I still wish Steve had come and had a rant.
I think Dan's been making his point pretty well, amidst all the name calling. We've basically all admitted we've got different priorities, and Dan's made a fair case backing his up.

Same as everyone else, mind you, but I agree with everyone else.

The issues affect us don't affect Dan in the same way, which is fair enough. He's got his reasons, and unlike most discussions we have along these lines, his are actually rather sound when you wear a different hat for a while.
Dän;6277175 said:
Winmar started this off with good v evil. Im not just going let him say that without any substance am I?

I don't even remember that now.

Hmmm if I was to say "Howard is a cunt - FACT", would I be right? Chances are I would be, but my putting "FACT" at the end of it doesn't make it true by default.

The suggestion that we had to join the US in the biggest military folly of my lifetime is just laughable. Of course we didn't have to. Most of the world's major nations didn't join in.

Tell me Dan, what are the conservatives going to do when all the natural resources run out and there's no longer what's needed to power the economy? I see no forward planning - none.
I think Dan's been making his point pretty well, amidst all the name calling. We've basically all admitted we've got different priorities, and Dan's made a fair case backing his up.

Same as everyone else, mind you, but I agree with everyone else.

The issues affect us don't affect Dan in the same way, which is fair enough. He's got his reasons, and unlike most discussions we have along these lines, his are actually rather sound when you wear a different hat for a while.

Thank you, I wish the other dead brain pinkos on this board had the ablility to see things the way you do.