Countdown to the Election

HOw many elections have you voted in, Dan? None
Are you paying a mortgage? No
Are you a low income earner? No
A parent? No
Have you ever been unemployed? No
Are you trying to raise a family on a single income, because your wife can't work? No

I'll present my argument when I have time tomorrow
The people that I know who admit voting liberal were all scared of another of his lies...interest rates. Single issue for the majority of them. They didn't like what he's done to health care and education, but were scared shitless by the single issue of "low interest rates", in spite of the fact that they are paying more interest (dollar amounts) now than they ever were when they were at 17%.

I think that you mean intelligent.

I don't like being lied to...that's reason enough for me, the rest of your paragraph is crap.

Turning our IR and health care systems into copies of the United States is another reason that I won't support him (By the way, I helped vote him in in the first place)

As to sound economic reasons, how about their listening to the Productivity Commission ?

The Productivity Commission are quoted extensively when it comes to work place relations etc, but when the recommendations are to restrict negative gearing (practiced a lot by the wealthy conservatives), that is rejected.

Uninhibited growth over the last 10 years, unemployment 30odd yr low, wages continue to rise despite unionised labor propaganda to try and convince you other wise. The Australian economy has been refered to as 'As good as it gets' under Howard; many countries model their macro policies on Australias. Prices rise steadily; there exists enough supply side incentives for produces to increase production as to keep up with demand, allowing the economy to further grow and ensure further prosperity, a vote for labor will throw this away.

Theres various social issues that annoy me about Rudd, non of which I'll mention because its likely that Goreripper expecially will get offended by my conservative views on life, not wrong, but conservative.
Dän;6212474 said:
Theres various social issues that annoy me about Rudd, non of which I'll mention because its likely that Goreripper expecially will get offended by my conservative views on life, not wrong, but conservative.

It's obvious you don't give a fuck about what anyone else thinks anyway, so why not tell us what issues you don't like?
Gore's not one to get offended, unless it's about people being arseholes.

He understands that people have different views. He might strongly defend his views, of course, but if you've got solid arguments I'm sure he'll respect them.

More than telling people to fuck off, at least.
If you looked at us from an overseas point of view, the economy is going great guns, just like the US and jsut like China, but internally we are slowly taking more from those who need it, and giving it to those who already have enough.

And things like Free Trade agreements are frankly scary, why can't we send them our sugar, but we HAVE to have Bananas from Hawaii and Oranges fro California? where is our free trade...

Mate , the US is slowly crumbling away financially with the prospect of multi-trillion deficit, Bush has just put in another puppet mate of his into the World Bank, , as for China its economy was on the verge of meltdown just 3 days ago and the trade market there dropped 6% (its economy is running like a motor without coolant , you can feed it water , yet it will eventually corode and overheat/blow) , not something I would be sitting easy trading with , as for free trade ........its a joke and ludicrous when we have to dispose our oranges etc near Echuca because the multicorporatescumsuckingmotherfuckingwhore large supermarkets choose to buy their fruits from other countries , some mind you that dont even have quality or quarantine concerns when growing heh heh , it really is a joke.
Gore's not one to get offended, unless it's about people being arseholes.

Not really, the reason I got kicked off the lord forum is because of my conservative social views that he didnt like and took offense to. Being conservative isnt wrong...its' right :lol:
seriously, its not a wrong view, just different to the values that most of you hold.
Dän;6212474 said:
Uninhibited growth over the last 10 years, unemployment 30odd yr low, wages continue to rise despite unionised labor propaganda to try and convince you other wise. The Australian economy has been refered to as 'As good as it gets' under Howard; many countries model their macro policies on Australias. Prices rise steadily; there exists enough supply side incentives for produces to increase production as to keep up with demand, allowing the economy to further grow and ensure further prosperity, a vote for labor will throw this away.

Theres various social issues that annoy me about Rudd, non of which I'll mention because its likely that Goreripper expecially will get offended by my conservative views on life, not wrong, but conservative.

Dän;6212474 said:
Uninhibited growth over the last 10 years, unemployment 30odd yr low, wages continue to rise despite unionised labor propaganda to try and convince you other wise. The Australian economy has been refered to as 'As good as it gets' under Howard; many countries model their macro policies on Australias. Prices rise steadily; there exists enough supply side incentives for produces to increase production as to keep up with demand, allowing the economy to further grow and ensure further prosperity, a vote for labor will throw this away.

Theres various social issues that annoy me about Rudd, non of which I'll mention because its likely that Goreripper expecially will get offended by my conservative views on life, not wrong, but conservative.

There goes the tired old broken record again mate, unemployment levels for sure are low , when you could a person who works one hour a week employed then of course you are going to have low unemplayment levels , coupled with the fact that this government has been instrumental with putting alot of shit on the unemployed ( dont get me wrong some unemployed people do need a kick in the arse) yet many have been hard done by and looked upon as bludgers who waste taxpayers money , yet this same government gave the fucken baby bonus to teenagers who wouldnt know what to do with it , let alone bring up a child , to which just 1 year before an election they fix it up.
The only people I see singing the praises of an economy such as this are the people who have their shares tied in with the resources boom this country is experiencing , yet many normal people are going to the wall , this is not acceptable and fucking unAustralian , plus how dare that fucking troll mention the word unAustralian when he has sold this country over and involved us in a war in which should not have happened.
Answer this , is Australia really debt free, I bet you cant , provide proof not just a fuck you rant , go on and fucking do it!
Man two things would make this thread legendary.

If Steve Ravic would come and post a huge Liberal rant, and then Terry would come and talk about how he fingered some chick with basketball tits in a voting booth before going off to hunt panthers.
Dän;6212474 said:
Prices rise steadily; there exists enough supply side incentives for produces to increase production as to keep up with demand, allowing the economy to further grow and ensure further prosperity

Question 1 : prosperity for who ? (i.e the widening gap between the have's and have-not's)

Question 2 : perpetual growth. Is it possible, when our resources are finite ?

Question 3 : why aren't "Conservatives" interested in conserving ?
the best line so far was when Gore said "Howard is pissing on your leg and telling you its raining".

I think all the points so far are valid arguements and although I've never voted Liberal I can see they've done a good job but obviously they've gone too far now and its time for a reality check.

I would hate to see the country end up like the US and I worry for my families future for many reasons, some stated previously.

People and politicians especially, need to look at the bigger picture for the better of the country and not simply for the current bank balance. Long term vision does not exist and the best example of this is how ill prepared the country was for drought conditions.
Don't knock the labour/labor-unionist movement.

Responsible for our glorious welfare state which seems to be quietly eroding.

Given that the global economy is driven by fundamental exploitation of labour, I am more concerned for the rights of employees than those who generate wealth from their employees.

No Shannow, perpetual growth is not possible, considering that the world is living off natural capital, and not income.

Like Harry Potter, methinks the current narrative is drawing to an end.

We need a progressive government that recognises that we live in an environment... not an economy.
The problem with kids these days is that they don't appreciate what the unions did for the working person. The changes to the labour movement that the unions implemented happened so long ago and have now been taken for granted for so long that most of us have never lived during a time when we didn't have the 38-hour week, paid sick leave, overtime incentives, workers comp laws, etc., all of which were brought about by unions. It's taken the threat of having them stripped away for people to finally seek out the unions again.
Dän;6214170 said:
Not really, the reason I got kicked off the lord forum is because of my conservative social views that he didnt like and took offense to. Being conservative isnt wrong...its' right :lol:
seriously, its not a wrong view, just different to the values that most of you hold.

No, you were kicked off of there for being an ass. It's one thing to have views, but it's another to be insulting and demeaning of other people's views as you were doing (and as you're doing here too, to a degree).

You're free to have a view of course, but when it's different to pretty much every single other person on a forum, and every time you put your view vehemently in people's faces it causes an argument that just drags on and on, what do we do? Put up with it and end up with 5 pages of angry people and internet bullshit that gets out of control, or do we remove the source of the angst?

I'm sorry, man - I don't have anything personal against you at all, I've never met you and I have no idea what you're really like as a person, but as a member of our forum, it was just really frustrating watching the countdown to the next annoying incident that the mods had to clean up because of your views.

Now you could see that as the reasonable statement as it is, or choose to take great offence and call me and all of the mods a cunt, etc. - that's up to you. At the end of the day it doesn't mean too much either way.

And guys, regarding having Steve post here about stuff... don't even joke about that! Argh! :erk: HAHA!
The problem with kids these days is that they don't appreciate what the unions did for the working person. The changes to the labour movement that the unions implemented happened so long ago and have now been taken for granted for so long that most of us have never lived during a time when we didn't have the 38-hour week, paid sick leave, overtime incentives, workers comp laws, etc., all of which were brought about by unions. It's taken the threat of having them stripped away for people to finally seek out the unions again.

That and they won't keep off my gosh-darned lawn, dagnabit!
And talk about how Croatia invented politics.

:lol: HAHA!

Oh man, I respect what that guy does and how he stands by his beliefs and all of that, but that thread must have been the single most mind-numbingly stupid thread in the history of teh interwebs! HAHA! I'm laughing about it now but at the time, it was just painful to read! :erk: HAHA!